This Safety Guide discusses the phenomena, both natural and human induced, that may cause floods or droughts at coastal and river sites, and gives an outline of the methods that can be used for, and the critical factors involved in, the evaluation of such events and of their associated effects. Possible combinations of two or more phenomena that can give rise to flooding at a site are also disc…
This code recommends how to evaluate the site related factors that are taken into account to ensure that the plant–site combination does not constitute an unacceptable risk. After defining the roles of the applicant and the regulatory body in site selection, evaluation and approval, general criteria are given for selecting proposed sites and assessing their suitability, for determining site r…
The systems which perform the vitai functions of monitoring and controlling systems and parameters at nuclear power plants are known as instrumentation and control (I&C) systems*. They are divided into two types: information systems and control systems. Both types operate by providing signals from measuring equipment. Information systems monitor plant parameters and systems; they display and…
Pengkajian penyusunan Perka BAPETEN tentang manajemen penuaaan instalasi nuklir non reaktor ini difokuskan pada upaya-upaya pengelolaan efek-efek penuaan yang terjadi pada Struktur, Sistem, dan Komponen (SSK) di INNR. Secara umum pengkajian dilaksanakan dalam rangka peningkatan pengawasan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir yang efektif dan efisien, baik melalui penyusunan peraturan, perizinan, dan inspe…
This Safety Guide provides guidance on the development, content and use of operational limits and conditions (limits on plant operating parameters) and operating procedures that affect them. It recommends how to meet the requirements established in Safety Standards Series No. NS-R-2, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Operation, setting out the responsibilities of the operating organization in set…
Perilaku perganisasi disebut organization behavior. Buku ini dipakai di fakultas ekonomi jurusan manajemen S1 atau D3. Mahasiswa S2 manajemen atau Magister Manajemen (MM) menggunakan buku ini. Fakultas psikologi juga menggunakan. Buku ini membahas perilaku orang-orang di dalam organisasai. Dapat berupa perilaku individu atau perilaku kelompok. Perilaku tersebut dapat dipengaruhi agar menuju ke …
Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation - Advances in S/S for Waste and Contaminated Land contains 39 papers, summaries of the four keynote lectures and the seven State of Practice reports presented at the International Conference organized by the EPSRC-funded network STARNET (Stabilisation/solidification treatment and remediation). A wide range of topics relating to the stabiliz…
The development of stabilization and solidification techniques in the field of waste treatment reflects the efforts to better protect human health and the environment with modern advances in materials and technology. Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes provides comprehensive information including case studies, selection criteria, and regulatory considera…
This Safety Guide provides principles and practical details on the provisions to be made in the design of nuclear power plants to protect site personnel and the general public from ionizing radiation during operational states and accident conditions. The dose limitation systems, including the ALARA principle, are described as the basis for appropriately addressing the radiation protection featu…
Tujuan pengkajian adalah mengkaji segenap unsur dan aspek yang termasuk dalam Batasan dan Kondisi Operasi (BKO) yang sesuai untuk diterapkan pada reaktor penelitian sehingga diperoleh jaminan yang memadai atas tercapainya keselamatan pengoperasian reaktor melalui pemenuhan terhadap BKO tersebut. Hasil kajian ini selanjutnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh unit kerja yang terkait, khususnya DP2IBN, untu…