This publication captures recent efforts in the development, improvement, validation, and application of severe accident codes for pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs), as well as related research and development. It summarises the information from the IAEA Technical Meeting on PHWR Severe Accident Simulation and Modelling that was held virtually on 20–23 September 2022. The information i…
This guidance was aimed at assisting those having responsibility for emergency response planning, nationally, regionally and at the nuclear facility, to determine the levels of projected dose at which it may be necessary to introduce relevant protective measures. (AR)
This safety guide represents an international consensus and understanding on principles for intervention and numerical values for generic intervention levels. It became clear during the Chernobyl Project that there was a need for clarification of the international guidance on intervention and, moreover, for a simple set of internally consistent intervention levels having some generic applicatio…
Dokumen ini merupakan bagian dari IAEA Nuclear Security Series yang berfokus pada otorisasi regulasi dan inspeksi terkait keamanan nuklir selama masa operasional fasilitas nuklir. Dengan nomor publikasi 45-T, dokumen ini memberikan panduan teknis yang penting bagi negara-negara dalam mengembangkan dan menerapkan kerangka kerja keamanan nuklir yang efektif. Isi dan Tujuan Dokumen: Dokumen in…
Dalam era modernisasi industri, keselamatan radiasi menjadi isu utama yang tidak dapat diabaikan, khususnya dalam radiografi industri. Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional (IAEA) telah merilis dokumen pelatihan terbaru untuk Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (Radiation Protection Officers - RPO), yang berjudul "Syllabus for the Training of Radiation Protection Officers: Industrial Radiography". Dokumen ini m…
Badan Energi Atom Internasional (IAEA) menerbitkan panduan terbaru mengenai Peninjauan Keselamatan Berkala (Periodic Safety Review/PSR) untuk fasilitas siklus bahan bakar nuklir. Panduan ini menekankan pentingnya evaluasi keselamatan secara berkala untuk memastikan perlindungan terhadap manusia dan lingkungan dari potensi risiko nuklir. Dokumen berjudul "Periodic Safety Review for Nuclear Fu…
Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional (IAEA) telah merilis laporan bertajuk "Lessons Learned Programmes for Effective Knowledge Management in Nuclear Organizations" sebagai panduan penting bagi organisasi nuklir dalam mengelola pengetahuan. Laporan ini menyoroti pentingnya pembelajaran dari pengalaman untuk meningkatkan kinerja organisasi dan menjaga standar keselamatan tinggi di industri nuklir. …
The medical use of radiation is unique in that patients are intentionally exposed to radiation. The aim in radiation therapy is twofold: to deliver a dose and dose distribution that is adequate for tumour control, but which also minimizes complications in normal tissues. (AR)
These International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources mark the culmination of efforts that have continued over the past several decades towards the harmonization of radiation protection and safety standards internationally. (AR)
This safety guide has been prepared as a part of the Agency's programme, which is referred to as the nuclear safety standards (NUSS) programme, for establishing the requirements and safety guides that relate to nuclear power plants. This guide gives guidence on how to satisfy the requirements that are container in paragraphs 4.9 to 4.13 and 6.99 to 6.106 of the requirements for the safety of nu…