The objective of this report is to facilitate a recognition of priority management issues which, when not adequately recognized and addressed, can result in problems in operational performance at nuclear power plants. It provides a number of effective practices, reflecting the positive experience of nuclear power companies, that have prevented or corrected problems related to selected managemen…
On 17 June 1997 a physicist working as a senior technician at the Nuclear Centre, Sarov, in the Russian Federation, was severely exposed as a result of a criticality accident with an assembly of highly enriched uranium. The exposure, which caused a high neutron radiation dose, led to death within three days despite prompt medical attention. This is the first report that the IAEA has published o…
This report is concerned with radioactive sources that may be used in industry, research and teaching, agriculture, medical practice and military applications. It is not concerned with the nuclear fuel cycle as such, although it is concerned with any uses of radioactive sources within establishments of the nuclear fuel cycle, such as industrial radiography. In addition, issues associated with t…
Dokumen ini terkait Panduan untuk Responder Pertama dalam Keadaan Darurat Radiologis. Beberapa pokok bahasan seperti gawat darurat radiologis, respons di lapangan, layanan medis gawat darurat, panduan perlindungna personil, dekontaminasi publik dan tema penting lainnya.
This Safety Guide provides a risk based ranking of radioactive sources and practices in five categories. The categorization system is based on a logical and transparent method that provides the flexibility for it to be applied in a wide range of circumstances. On the basis of this categorization, risk informed decisions can be made in a graded approach to the regulatory control of radioactive s…
This book contains The teaching staff; Directory of participants; Scedule; Lectures; Field exercises; and Charta, tables, appendices. (Jml)
This publication captures recent efforts in the development, improvement, validation, and application of severe accident codes for pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs), as well as related research and development. It summarises the information from the IAEA Technical Meeting on PHWR Severe Accident Simulation and Modelling that was held virtually on 20–23 September 2022. The information i…
This guidance was aimed at assisting those having responsibility for emergency response planning, nationally, regionally and at the nuclear facility, to determine the levels of projected dose at which it may be necessary to introduce relevant protective measures. (AR)
This safety guide represents an international consensus and understanding on principles for intervention and numerical values for generic intervention levels. It became clear during the Chernobyl Project that there was a need for clarification of the international guidance on intervention and, moreover, for a simple set of internally consistent intervention levels having some generic applicatio…
Dokumen ini merupakan bagian dari IAEA Nuclear Security Series yang berfokus pada otorisasi regulasi dan inspeksi terkait keamanan nuklir selama masa operasional fasilitas nuklir. Dengan nomor publikasi 45-T, dokumen ini memberikan panduan teknis yang penting bagi negara-negara dalam mengembangkan dan menerapkan kerangka kerja keamanan nuklir yang efektif. Isi dan Tujuan Dokumen: Dokumen in…