Dokumen ANSI/ANS-20.2-2023 adalah panduan komprehensif untuk merancang dan mengevaluasi kinerja keselamatan reaktor nuklir berbahan bakar cair (Liquid-Fuel Molten Salt Reactor, MSR). Standar ini dirancang untuk memberikan kriteria desain keselamatan yang spesifik, memastikan bahwa reaktor MSR dapat dioperasikan tanpa risiko yang tidak wajar terhadap kesehatan publik dan lingkungan. Tujuan da…
This safety guide has been prepared as a part of the Agency's programme, which is referred to as the nuclear safety standards (NUSS) programme, for establishing the requirements and safety guides that relate to nuclear power plants. This guide gives guidence on how to satisfy the requirements that are container in paragraphs 4.9 to 4.13 and 6.99 to 6.106 of the requirements for the safety of nu…
Instrumentation and Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants provides the latest innovative research on the design of effective modern systems for both existing and newly commissioned plants, along with information on system implementation. Dr. Cappelli and his team of expert contributors cover fundamentals, explore the most advanced research in control systems technology, and tackle topics suc…
Since the 1970s, the field of industrial reliability has evolved significantly, in part due to the design and early operation of the first generation nuclear power plants. Indeed, the needs of this sector have led to the development of specific and innovative reliability methods, which have since been taken up and adapted by other industrial sectors, leading to the development of the management…
This book consist : Introduction; Extent of the I & C systems; Design basis; Design requirements; and Documentation. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; The concept of defence in depth; Approach for making an inventory of the defence in depth capabilities of a plant; Applications; and Conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; The concept of defence in depth; Approach for making an inventory of the defence in depth capabilities of a plant; Applications; and Conclusions. (Jml)
Nuclear Power Plant Development covers the intricacies of developing a nuclear power plant project from a construction and legal standpoint. It deals with structuring, drafting, and negotiating a wide range of standard and specialised contracts relating to the development of nuclear power-generation projects and also covers the other forms of power-generating facilities. It covers the forms o…
The potential development of any nuclear power programme should include a rigorous justification process reviewing the substantial regulatory, economic and technical information necessary for implementation, given the long term commitments involved in any new nuclear power project. Infrastructure and methodologies for the justification of nuclear power programmes reviews the fundamental issues …