This publication establishes requirements in respect of the governmental, legal and regulatory framework for safety. It covers the essential aspects of the framework for establishing a regulatory body and taking other actions necessary to ensure the effective regulatory control of facilities and activities utilized for peaceful purposes. Other responsibilities and functions, such as liaison wit…
This book consist : Introduction; The concept of defence in depth; Approach for making an inventory of the defence in depth capabilities of a plant; Applications; and Conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; The concept of defence in depth; Approach for making an inventory of the defence in depth capabilities of a plant; Applications; and Conclusions. (Jml)
Radiasi hadir dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada yang alami dan ada yang buatan. Keduanya ada manfaatnya. Namun, radiasi buatan kendati bermanfaat harus berhati-hati ketika menggunakannya. Oleh karena itu, perlu ada pengetahuan khusus yang membahas tentang radiasi. Berkaitan hal tersebut, buku yang ditulis oleh John ini menarik untuk dibaca karena secra khusus membahas tentang dunia radiasi dan k…
This book explains clearly and in detail all aspects of radiation protection in nuclear medicine. After an introductory chapter on the general role of radiation protection, measurement quantities and units are discussed, and detectors and dosimeters, described. Radiation biology and radiation dosimetry are then addressed, with the inclusion of a chapter specifically devoted to biology and dosim…
This report provides information on the content and format for decommissioning plans and supporting safety related documents. Its scope includes information that is relevant to all types of nuclear facilities, ranging from nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities to university laboratories and manufacturing plants. The report will be of interest to decommissioning planning engineers, pr…
This report provides information on the content and format for decommissioning plans and supporting safety related documents. Its scope includes information that is relevant to all types of nuclear facilities, ranging from nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities to university laboratories and manufacturing plants. The report will be of interest to decommissioning planning engineers, pr…
Essay about Principal requirements: General requirements; Requirements for practices; Requirements for intervention; Appendices: Detailed requirements; Appendix I: Occupational exposure; Appendix II: Medical exposure; Appendix III: Public exposure; Appendix IV: Potential exposure Safety of sources; Appendix V: Emergency exposure situations; Appendix VI: Chronic exposure situations; and then Sch…
Higher education plays an essential role in nuclear security capacity building. It ensures the availability of experts able to provide the necessary competencies for effective national nuclear security oversight of nuclear and other radioactive material and to establish and maintain an appropriate nuclear regime in a State. This publication presents both the theoretical knowledge and the practi…