Buku "Nuclear Structure Theory" karya J. M. Irvine adalah panduan komprehensif yang mengulas teori struktur nuklir dengan fokus pada eksperimen, teori, dan metode matematika yang mendukung studi ini. Ditulis untuk mahasiswa pascasarjana dan peneliti, buku ini menawarkan pendekatan sistematis terhadap fenomena nuklir, baik dari sisi teoritis maupun praktis. Isi Utama Buku: -Bagian Eksperimen…
Buku "Nuclear Reactions" karya I.E. McCarthy merupakan karya mendalam yang merangkum pemahaman tentang reaksi nuklir, dari landasan teoritis hingga aplikasi praktisnya. Buku ini menjadi referensi yang ideal bagi mahasiswa fisika yang telah memahami dasar-dasar mekanika kuantum dan ingin mendalami fenomena kuantum yang kompleks dalam reaksi nuklir. Beberapa keunggulan buku ini yang dapat mena…
Medical Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Fundamentals, memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang aplikasi manufaktur aditif di bidang medis, terutama melalui teknologi pencetakan 3D. Buku ini dibagi menjadi 28 bab yang mencakup berbagai topik seperti inovasi, bahan, teknik, dan aplikasi teknologi ini di sektor medis dan farmasi. Berikut adalah ringkasan detailnya: Penerapan selama Pandemi COVI…
PROF. JATJNCEY'S interesting manual for students interprets the term ‘modern physics’ very liberallyhe certainly does not restrict it to ‘atomic’ physics. His liberality of interpretation leads, on occasion, to some odd results in the matter of balancefor example, one whole page is devoted to an elementary deduction of the expression for the capacity of a parallel plate condenser, and l…
Nuclear structure Physics connects to some of our fundamental questions about the creation of universe and its basic constituents. At the same time, precise knowledge on the subject has lead to develop many important tools of human kind such as proton therapy, radioactive dating etc. This book contains chapters on some of the crucial and trending research topics in nuclear structure, including …
Until the publication of the first edition of Introduction to Nuclear Reactions in 2004, an introductory reference on nuclear reactions had been unavailable. Now, fully updated throughout, this second edition continues to provide an authoritative overview of nuclear reactions. It discusses the main formalisms, ranging from basic laws to the final formulae used in academic research to calculate …
Nuclear Systems, Volume I: Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals, Third Edition, provides an in-depth introduction to nuclear power, focusing on thermal hydraulic design and analysis of the nuclear core and other key nuclear plant components. The authors stress the integration of fluid flow and heat transfer as applied to all power reactor types and energy source distribution. They cover nuclear react…
This book has grown out of a collaboration of the authors in a sophomore course in physics at Yale University, a course which a aimed to equip engineering students and majors in the natural sciences with sufficient basic knowledge of physics to serve as a foundation for further work in the various exact sciences and technologies. (AR)
The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to the study of the physical properties of crystalline solids. Chapters 9 through 20 deal with the electronic properties of solids and require familiarity with the elements of wave mechanics, although in a number of chapters no explicit use of wave mechanics is made.