This guidance was aimed at assisting those having responsibility for emergency response planning, nationally, regionally and at the nuclear facility, to determine the levels of projected dose at which it may be necessary to introduce relevant protective measures. (AR)
The medical use of radiation is unique in that patients are intentionally exposed to radiation. The aim in radiation therapy is twofold: to deliver a dose and dose distribution that is adequate for tumour control, but which also minimizes complications in normal tissues. (AR)
These International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources mark the culmination of efforts that have continued over the past several decades towards the harmonization of radiation protection and safety standards internationally. (AR)
PPT in berisikan Standar Keselamatan Radiasi dan Penerapannya yang disampaikan oleh Ibu Dahlia C. Sinaga pada pelatihan BTPC bidang FRZR yang diselenggarakan pada tgl 12-21 Juni 2023 secarang daring. (AR)
Proceedings of a symposium, jointly organized by the Federal Republic of Germany, IAEA and OECD/NEA, Munich, 7–10 November 1988. The overall emphasis was placed on the international aspects of nuclear safety. Contents: Opening session; National regulatory practices and safety standards; National regulatory systems; Implementation of regulatory practices (technical issues); Implementation of …
This collection is a special collection of safety report series number 69. Published by IAEA in 2012. This collection is about comparison between IAEA GS-R-3 And ISO 9001:2008. Some of the topics discussed include a review of the two standards to their differences and correlations. Also equipped with a comparison table of the two in accordance with the contents of the two standards (MM). Key…
The purpose of this Safety Guide is to provide international guidance, coherent with contemporary radiation protection principles and IAEA safety requirements, on the strategy of monitoring in relation to: (a) control of radionuclide discharges under practice conditions, and (b) intervention, such as in cases of nuclear or radiological emergencies or past contamination of areas with long lived …