This Safety Guide provides guidance and recom m endations on surveillance activities to ensure that structures, systems and com ponents im portant to safety are available to perform their functions in accordance w ith design intent and assumptions. The Guide was prepared as part of the IAEA’s programme, referred to as the NUSS Programme, for establishing Codes of Practice and Safety Guides re…
Nuclear power plants of the light water reactor (LWR) type are so designed and operated that no accident reasonably considered to be possible would release significant amounts of fission products to the environment. It follows that rare improbable events such as severe accidents would provide the only potentially significant contribution to adverse human health effects. The potential for such s…
This report deals w ith the m edical m anagem ent of individual patients or small groups o f patients under close m edical supervision. Additional and quite different considerations arise in applying radiological protection principles in the public health field or in the consideration of prophylactic responses to w idespread environm ental contamination. These further aspects are not considered…
This Safety Guide was prepared as part of the Agency’s programme, referred to as the NUSS programme, for establishing Codes o f Practice and Safety Guides relating to nuclear power plants. It supplements the Code of Practice on Safety in Nuclear Power Plant Operation, including Commissioning and Decommissioning (IAEA Safety Series No. 50-C-0), hereinafter referred to as the Code. The Provisio…
The IAEA Code of Practice on Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA Safety Series No. 50-C-QA), hereinafter referred to as the Code, and the Safety Guides on Quality Assurance identify the requirements for establishing and implementing an overall quality assurance programme for all activities affecting the quality of a nuclear power plant.
Gamma and electron irradiation facilities have to be constructed so that during normal use any radiation exposure of workers will be very low and there is no significant exposure to individual members of the public. However, significant radiation exposure may result from loss of control over or damage to the radiation source. In extreme cases the exposures may be sufficient to cause serious inj…
The purpose of the ConvEx-3 exercises is to test and evaluate the exchange of information and coordination of the international assistance during a major nuclear emergency. The ConvEx-3 exercises provide an opportunity to identify shortcomings in the national and/or international emergency response systems that might hamper the response aimed at minimizing the consequences of a nuclear accident…
Proceedings contains material Opening session; Facing the Challenges (Session 1); Perspectives on global nuclear security: Achievements and lessons learned (session 2); Efforts to strengthen the global nuclear security framework (Session 3); Efforts to strengthen the global nuclear security framework (Session 3); Efforts to strengthen nuclear security in member states (session 4); Regional and …
Overview : global impact assessment; overviews : new roles for environmental monitoring; radionuclides releases to the atmosphere; radionuclide releases to the aquatic environment; radionuclides in the territorial environment; envirinmental model testing; radiological impac assessment; environmanetal remediation; topical discussions; environmental measurement and transfer studies; model studies…