Buku II ini memberikan kabar buruk bahwa hari ini perilaku korupsi mungkin lebih rusak dari kemarin. Riefqi Muna bilang bahwa meneliti korupsi saja sudah sulit karena semuanya bersifat serba rahasia, apalagi meneliti korupsi di kalangan TNI, lebih sulit lagi. Menurut Muna hal itu disebabkan karena mereka punya bedil, dan sang peneliti menjadi takut. (Jml)
Buku I ini memberi peringatan bahwa korupsi sudah meluas, merata, dan mendalam. Tiada satu pun pemerintahan Indonesia yang sungguh-sungguh berupaya mengatasinya. Berbagai metode korupsi yang digunakan keluarga Soeharto, termasuk pembentukan yayasan amal dan penyitaan harta para teman mantan presiden Sukarno ditelaah oleh Adicondro dalam buku ini. (Jml)
This book consist of six Part that : Part I Introduction to System Safety; Part II System Safety Program Planning and Management; Part III Analytical Aids; Part IV System Safety Analysis Techniques; Part V Process Safety; and Part VI Professionalism and Professional Development. (Jml)
Reflecting the dramatic changes shaped by rapidly developing technologies over the past six years, this new fourth edition of Reference and Information Services takes the introduction to reference sources and services significantly beyond the content of the first three editions. In Part I, Concepts and Processes, chapters have been revised and updated to reflect new ideas and methods in the pro…
Buku ini menyajikan pembahasan yang mendalam dan komperehensif mengenai termodinamika teknik, yang merupakan dasar mata kuliah mekanika fluida dan transfer panas. Buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai persiapan penerapan termodinamika dalam praktik lapangan. (Jml)
Radiation Protection in Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology focuses on the professional, operational, and regulatory aspects of radiation protection. Advances in radiation medicine have resulted in new modalities and procedures, some of which have significant potential to cause serious harm. Examples include radiologic procedures that require very long fluoroscopy times, radiolabeled monoclo…
Why read this guidebook?. Becouse improvement is a relative term. It is defined by a starting point, a desired goal, and a process of tracking progress from start to finish. As individuals, we learn to build measurement into our improvement efforts from an early age. Our parents and our schools provide us with the measures, the feedback, and the incentives to improve our grades, our grades, ou…
The fourth edition of Clinical Nuclear Medicine incorporates the rapid and dramatic changes that have occurred in the field within the last 10 years--particularly the continued growth in clinical applications for PET and other aspects of molecular imaging--so that the book reflects modern practice. With its problem-oriented clinical approach, the book presents relevant topics of current importa…
Principles and Practice of PET and PET/CT it features over 900 images and over 250 cases representing Aunt Minnies diseases with unique radiographic features that allow a confident, immediate diagnosis. Each case is presented in an easy-to-follow format and includes crucial take-away points called Aunt Minnies Pearls. The cases represent all modalities and cover all subspecialties tested …