This book consist : Introduction; Strategic planning; Stabilizing the fuel; Data management and analysis; Initial waste management; Initial decontamination; Fuel removal; Fuel conditioning, transport and interim storage; Abnormal waste, conditioning to disposal; Preparation for the decommissioning of fuel damaged plants; and Conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Description of corrective action process; Identification of deficiencies; Assessing and correcting deficiencies; Root cause analysis; Verification and follow up; Implementing procedures; Trend analysis; and Summary. (Jml)
Proceedings contains material Findings and recommendations of the conference presdient; Opening Session; Background session; Stakeholder involvement in building and maintaining national radioation safety infrastructures; Overview of IAEA model projects; Implementation experience with model projects; Implementation of the model project for upgrading radiation safety infrastructures; Resources an…
Essay about Introduction; Basic principles of radiation protection; Organizational aspects; Practical aspects of implementation of a radiation protection programme; Effluent release, radioactive waste disposal and environmental monitoring; Storage, handling and transport of radioactive materials; Training; Facilities and equpment; Records; and then Annex 1 & 2, Bibliography, Definitions, List o…