Proceedings of a symposium, jointly organized by the Federal Republic of Germany, IAEA and OECD/NEA, Munich, 7–10 November 1988. The overall emphasis was placed on the international aspects of nuclear safety. Contents: Opening session; National regulatory practices and safety standards; National regulatory systems; Implementation of regulatory practices (technical issues); Implementation of …
Every day humans will be faced with radiation, both artificial radiation and natural radiation. the use of nuclear reactors, the use of mobile phones, nuclear weapons and so on, there is always a potential risk that is harmful to the environment and humans. Therefore, it is necessary to take mitigation measures related to nuclear radiation accidents. This book is about that. The discussion topi…
Tujuan dari penerbitan ini adalah menyediakan pedoman praktis bagi personal tanggap darurat lokal yang akan metanggap darurat di jam-jam pertama di saat terjadi kedaruratan radiologik dan bagi pejabat nasional yang akan mendukung tanggap darurat awal ini.
Rakor IDSN 6 tahun 3007 ini mengambil tema: Peningkatan sinergi penyelenggaraan jaringan data spasial nasional melalui percepatan pertukaran data spasial dan perwujudan peraturan perundang-undangan tata informasi geografis nasional guna mendukung sistem pengambilan keputusan. Pembukaan Rakor dilaksanakan di Istana Wakil Presiden RI dan dibuka secara resmi oleh Wakil Presiden RI. Bertindak sebag…
Prosiding ini memuat: Pidato Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti (Menko Perekonomian) sebagai Keynote Speech, dan materi seminar yang terbagi dalam 3 topik yaitu: Topik I Akuntabilitas pejabat publik dalam pengelolaan keuangan daerah, pembicara: 1. Feisal Tamin (Menteri PAN), 2. H. Progo Nurdjaman (Dirjen Pemerintahan Umum Depdagri); Topik II Transparansi dalam kebijakan privatisasi: Tantangan optimalisa…
Essay about opening season; Contemporary and emerging issues; Experience in regulation I; Experience in regulation II; Implementation at facilities; Programme assessment and co-operation I; Programme assessment and co-operation II; Hardware/software; Illicit trafficking in nuclear materials; Transportation; and Future considweration and summary of sessions. (Jml)
Proceedings contains material Energy, economy and society; Poster presentations: Risks and impacts of energy systems; Risk management; Poster presentations: Low probability/High consequence risks; and Poster presentations: National energy strategies in response to global constraints. (Jml)
This publication provides guidelines for evaluating the engineering safety aspects of the protection of nuclear power plants against sabotage. The guidance, which is the result of extensive dialogue among safety and security specialists, takes into account the existing robustness of structures, systems and components and emphasizes those aspects of sabotage protection that work synergistically …
Buku ini membahas tentang seluk beluk dunia penyiaran di Indonesia khususnya penyiar televisi hasil dari pengalaman pribadi penulis. Pengalaman pribadinya di TVRI dalam membawakan acara yang disusun dan ditulis sendiri oleh penulis antara lain: Lagu dan Pencipta (1970), Cerdas Cermat (1974), Panorama Remaja (1970-1980), Bintang Kecil (180-an), dan Rubrik Keluarga (1990). (Jml)