Buku materi pokok (BMP) ASIP4301 Manajemen Pusat Arsip merupakan mata kuliah yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip ilmu kearsipan sejak arsip diterima hingga dimusnahkan. Pada mateeri manajemen pusat arsip, juga dibahas mengenai pengertian data, komunikasi data, hingga fungsi dan peran data dalam sistem indormasi manajemen (SIM)
Buku materi dasar-dasar kesekretarisan menjelaskan ruang lingkup pekerjaan yang harus dikuasai oleh seorang sekretaris. Mata kuliah ini membahas mengenai etika profesi sekretaris, hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan penunjang sekretaris, seperti penguasaan tata persuratan, mekanisme rapat perusahaan hingga tata cara pengelolaan keuangan, serta manajemen kearsipan.
This safety practice report provides guidance on conducting a Level 1 PSA for internal events in nuclear power plants. The main emphasis is on the procedural steps of the PSA rather than the details of the corresponding methods. The report is intended to assist technical persons managing or performing PSAs. A particular aim is to promote a standardized framework, terminology and form of documen…
This is the thirteenth edition of Reference Data Series No. 3. This booklet contains general information, as of the end of January 2000, on research reactors in operation, under construction, planned and shut down. The information is collected by the Agency through questionnaires sent to Member States through the designated national correspondents.
Proceedings contains material Inertial Confinement (Session B); Technology and reactor concepts (Session H); Fundamental processes and new trends (Session I); and then Summaries (Session L). (Jml)
Proceedings contains material Summary; Poster presentations; Groundwater dynamics; Groundwater quality and urban hydrology; and Geothermal systems. (Jml)
This book discusses radiation sensors with 3D electrodes. Sensor technology that is currently developing can be used for various fields of science such as physics, medical physics, space science and others, including the nuclear field. This book is divided into 9 chapters covering the interaction of radiation with silicon, semiconductor physics, and its application in everyday life (MM).
This Standard establishes the nuclear safety criteria and functional design requirements of structures, systems, and components of stationary boiling water reactor (BWR) power plants. Operations, maintenance, and testing requirements are covered only to the extent that they affect design provisions.