berisi informasi tentang energi nuklir
Membahas tentang hukum perdata dengan undang-undang pokok agraria dan undang-undang perkawinan
Membahas tentang peraturan perpajakan.
Energy; Atoms and nuclear; Radioactivity; Nuclear processes; radiation and materials; Fission; Fusion; Particle accelerators; Isotope separators; Radiation detectors; Neutron chain reactions; Nuclear heat energy; Breeder reactors; Fusion reactors; The history of nuclear energy; Biological effects of radiation; Information from isotopes; Useful radiation effects; Reactor safety; Nuclear propulsi…
This publication provides a description of the elements which should be addressed by the team responsible for the preparation, development and implementation of a plant specific accident management programme at a nuclear power plant. The issues addressed include formation of the team, selection of accident management strategies, safety analyses required, evaluation of the performance of plant s…
This report provides guidance for conducting seismic safety evaluation programmes for existing nuclear power plants in a manner consistent with internationally recognized practice. It will be useful for regulatory organizations and other organizations responsible for the implementation of seismic safety evaluation programmes.
This Safety Report summarizes good and current state of the art practices in industrial radiography and provides technical advice on radiation protection and safety. It contains information explaining the responsibilities of regulatory authorities, operating organizations, workers, equipment manufacturers and client organizations, with the intention of enhancing radiation protection and safety.
This book was born from an ideal thought about security in the world, especially regarding the security of alternative life without nuclear deterrence. The question of nuclear, will always be faced with humans, technology and its use. There are writings with different perspectives. Starting from the military, economics, political psychology, law and even religion (MM). Keyword: nuclear deter…
This Safety Guide provides guidelines and recommends procedures for the evaluation of seismic hazards for nuclear power plants. Specifically, it provides recommendations on how to determine the ground motion hazards for a plant at a particular site and the potential for surface faulting, which could affect the feasibility of construction and safe operation of a plant at that site.
Peraturan Kepala BAPETEN ini mengatur persyaratan sistem seifgard yang meliputi: a. pertanggungjawaban dan pengendalian bahan nuklir; dan b. inspeksi seifgard.