Orientation; model test 1 : pretest; academic skills; review of Toefl IBT sections; model test 2; progres test; model test 3 : progres test; answer and audio scripts for activities, quizzes and model tests; score astimates; resources
Sejatinya konflik dalam kehidupan itu pasti ada. Latar belakang konflik yang terjadi pun bermacam-macam. Lalu dengan adanya konflik, apa yang harus dilakukan? Tidak berbeda dengan risiko, dalam hal konflik pun tentunya perlu manajemen. Selanjutnya seperti apa manajemen konflik itu? Apa saja jenis-jenis konflik? Bagaimana cara menyelesaikannya? Pertanyaan mendasar itu bisa dibaca di buku yang…
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia atau sering disebut MSDM hingga sekarang banyak yang membahasnya. Mulai dari artikel di blog dan majalah, surat kabar, jurnal, buku hingga video. Pembahasan tentang MSDM ini serasa akan terus ada karena MSDM dan perusahan atau organisasi sosial itu tidak akan terpisahkan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Buku yang ditulis oleh Husein Umar ini juga cukup menarik ka…
Indonesia memiliki banyak jenis Instalasi Nuklir Non Reaktor (INNR). Sesuai UU Ketenaganukliran Nomor 10 Tahun 1997, Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN) salah satunya bertugas dalam pengawasan terhadpa INNR. Dokumen ini adalah kajian terhadap penentuan kriteria penerimaan analisis keselamatan INNR secara kaulitatif khususya pada analisis kecelakaan meliputi pengembangan skenario, analisi…
Knowledge capturing adalah proses mendokumenasikan pengetahuan berdasarkan pengalaman dari individu selama bekerja. Knowledge capturing sangat penting sebagai daya dukung dalam kemajuan organisasi. Buku yang berjudul Knowledge Capturing Pusertif 2018 ini adalah salah satu proses dokumentasi pengetahuan dari para pegawai PT. PLN Persero. Ada empat pokok pembahasan meliputi sejarah singkat…
This highly successful manual has served for nearly three decades as the definitive guide to the safe use of radioactive materials. Completely revised and updated, the fourth edition presents a new dimension by adding coverage of nonionizing radiation, and is thus concerned with the entire field of radiation protection. The author takes the novel approach of introducing the whole range of en…
The first section of this book are introduction. These sections explore such topics as the role of security in the safety program, important government agencies and resources, and the financial impact of safety programs. Without the information presented in these pages, your safety program will not be effective. The second and third sections of this book cover the specific building blocks of a …
Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety provides guidelines for industries that manufacture, consume, or handle chemicals, by focusing on new ways to design, correct, or improve process safety management practices. This new framework for thinking about process safety builds upon the original process safety management ideas published in the early 1990s, integrates industry lessons learned over …
This book is devoted to studying the relationship between culture and safety. This relationship, epitomized by the concept of safety culture, has undoubtedly become one of the hottest topics of both safety research and practical efforts to improve safety. For instance, most oil companies today have programmes devoted to improving the company's safety culture. Lessons learned from these accident…
Knowing how to design effective training instruction is a core competency for every trainer. Here's a down-to-basics title that keeps its focus on the bottom-line skills of the design craft, beginning with planning and need analysis; to writing, designing, and evaluating course materials; to marketing and administration. This title also shows you how to put together quality, performance-based t…