Dalam rangka pengembangan kemampuan sumber daya manusia, BAPETEN telah, sedang dan akan mengirimkan personilnya untuk mengikuti workshop/lokakarya, seminar dan pertemuan ilmiah sehubungan dengan pengawasan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir, yang diadakan di dalam negeri. Karena keterbatasan alokasi dana dan tingginya beban tugas personil BAPETEN, tidak mungkin BAPETEN mengirimkan semua atau sejumlah be…
Situasi dan kondisi pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir pada tahun 2021 merupakan bertepatan dengan berlangsungnya pandemi covid-19 yang mengakibatkan banyak kegiatan perkantoran dan lainnya dilaksanakan melalui daring. Namun patut disyukuri, karena di tahun 2021 tersebut tidak terlihat pemberitaan media daring tentang kecelakaan nuklir yang menelan korban jiwa baik yang terjadi di dalam negeri maupun di…
The response of a nuclear installation’s structure during an earthquake depends on the characteristics of the ground motion, the surrounding soil and the structure itself. Soil– structure interaction (SSI) analysis is used to evaluate the effects of seismic ground motion on an installation’s structure, system and components, to ensure it is designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes…
The global nuclear safety and security framework (GNSSF) provides a conceptual structure and guidelines for achieving and maintaining a high level of safety and security at nuclear facilities and in nuclear related activities around the world. Technical and scientific support organizations (TSOs) play an essential role in sustaining the GNSSF by providing assistance to regulatory bodies in esta…
Models are essential tools in evaluating radiological impacts within the safety assessment process and regulatory control of facilities as well as of activities in planned exposure situations, existing exposure situations and emergency exposure situations. Modelling the transfer of radionuclides in the environment and assessing the resulting radiation exposure of people and the environment is n…
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on how to comply with IAEA safety requirements on leadership and management for safety in the area of radioactive waste management. It presents updated guidance on developing and implementing management systems for safety during all steps of radioactive waste management. Emphasis is placed upon effective leadership and culture for safety. The publicati…
The IAEA’s Statute authorizes it to “establish…standards of safety for protection of health and minimization of danger to life and property”. These are standards that the IAEA must apply to its own operations, and that States can apply through their national regulations. Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon and natural sources of radiation are features of the environment. Radiation…
Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon and natural sources of radiation are features of the environment. Radiation and radioactive substances have many beneficial applications, ranging from power generation to uses in medicine, industry and agriculture. The radiation risks to workers and the public and to the environment that may arise from these applications have to be assessed and, if necessar…
Kajian ini dibuat untuk mendukung pembuatan peraturan tentang keselamatan kebakaran dalam operasi PLTN sebagai kelanjutan dari Perka BAPETEN No. 1 Tahun 2012. Kajian ini banyak mengadopsi dari dokumen IAEA NS-G-2.1 dan juga peraturan dan standar mengenai keselamatan kebakaran di dalam operasi PLTN dari negara-negara lain, seperti : Amerika, Kanada, dan lain-lain, selain diperkaya dengan informa…
Ada banyak manfaat reaktor nuklir dalam kehidupan sehari-hari misalnya untuk penelitian hingga PLTN. Lalu, apakah itu reaktor nuklir? Apakah aman? Di Indonesia sendiri, adakah reaktor nuklir? Sederet pertanyaan itu bisa anda baca pada buku berjudul Buku Saku Reaktor Nuklir: Pemanfaatan Dan Pengawasan. Buku setebal 96 halaman ini ditulis oleh pakar dibidangnya dengan bahasa yang cukup mudah dime…