Laporan Keselamatan Nuklir ini disusun berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan pengawasan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir dari hasil inspeksi terhadap faktor keselamatan, keamanan dan seifgards. Inspeksi tersebut dilaksanakan oleh para Inspektur Keselamatan Nuklir BAPETEN sesuai dengan Pakta Integritas yang telah ditandatangani untuk melaksanakan inspeksi dengan benar, seksama, penuh tanggungjawab, serta menja…
In response to a challenging economic environment, the industry is currently seeking new and innovative ways to improve efficiencies in producing uranium. Continued interest in developing uranium resources in a safe and sustainable manner led to this symposium being convened. This publication presents the proceedings. In continuation of the topics at previous symposia on uranium production and …
Laporan Keselamatan Nuklir tahun 2012 adalah laporan yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN) berdasarkan ketentuan yang ada dalam penjelasan Pasal 20 ayat 3 UU Nomor 10 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketenaganukliran yang menyatakan bahwa hasil inspeksi yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pengawas diterbitkan secara berkala dan terbuka. Penyusunan laporan keselamatan ini juga selaras dengan UU N…
Buku ini dengan segala keterbatasan dan kekurangannya mencoba mengungkapkan prinsip-prinsip penyelenggaraan negara yang terkandung dalam keseluruhan unsur dan dinamika Sistem Administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan buku ini terdiri dari 8 Bab, Bab I merupakan pendahuluan, mengemukakan berbagai hal pokok mengenai dasar pendekatan atau theorytical framework yang diperg…
Susan Page's groundbreaking approach to relationships gives readers the tools and encouragement they need to bring positive changes to their relationship, even when their partners are unwilling to do the work. Based on the premise that what you do in a relationship makes changes faster than anything you discuss, Page introduces the concept of "Loving Leadership" and offers fourteen empowering a…
This book is intended to be used as a first text in reliability engineering by upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate students, and as a working book by the practicing reliability engineer or the initiate. Great emphasis has been placed on clarity of presentation and practicality of subject matter. Some knowledge of the mathematics of probability ad statistics would be helpful but is…
This book examines what is currently known about building safe electromechanical systems and looks at the accidents of the past to see what lessons can be applied to new computer-controlled systems. One obvious lessons is that most accidents are not the result of unknown scientific principles but rather of a failure to apply well-known, standard engineering practices. A second lesson is that ac…
This book provides an introduction to reliability and risk analysis, both for engineering students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and for practicing engineers. Since realibility analysis is a multidisciplinary subject, the scope is not limited to any one engineering disciplines. Rather, the material is applicable to most engineering discipline. I developed the contents of this book f…