Berisi materi mekanika fluida yang disajikan secara analitik, dengan memberikan penekanan pada pengertian dasar, terutama prinsip kekekalan (konservasi). Bagian pertama membahas secara panjang lebar penurunan persamaan dasar yang penting dalam mekanika fluida, sedangkan bagian Kedua membahas penerapan persamaan dasar tersebut dalam analisis berbagai kondisi aliran. (Jml)
Buku ini merupakan pasangan dari buku yang berjudul Buku Suci Trojan: The Server, yang telah membahas bagaimana membuat suatu program server trojan sederhana dengan visual basic 6.0. Dengan adanya buku ini, semoga dapat menepis ketakutan yang berlebihan serta membuka wawasan, kesadaran, dan peningkatan kewaspadaan pemakai komputer akan ekstensi dan bahaya program Trojan. (Jml)
Athens, city of the gods, birthplace of modern democracy, artistic and cultural center of the ancient world, is steeped in myth and legend. Now, in this newly reissued book publishing just in time for the 2004 Olympics being held in Athans, travel writer John Freely guides readers on a series of walks to the city's most vibrant and historic areas, from the magnificent Parthenon, center of Athen…
This volume presents recent progress in the improvement of the nuclear database needed for the development of Generation IV nuclear energy systems. The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) identified six advanced concepts for sustainable nuclear energy production at competitive prices and with advanced safety, with special attention to nuclear non-proliferation and physical protection iss…
This conference reviewed the overall situation with respect to the development of radiation safety and security infrastructures both in IAEA Member States and in countries that are not IAEA Member States. It highlighted the need for complete and effective radiation safety and security infrastructures that are sustainable. The conference findings and recommendations are included in these proceed…
The use of radioactive materials offers a wide range of benefits throughout the world in medicine, research and industry. Precautions are, however, necessary to limit the exposure of people to the radiation that is emitted. Where the amount of radioactive material is substantial, as in the case of radiotherapy sources or industrial radiography sources, extreme care is needed to prevent accident…
INSAG has prepared this report in accordance with its terms of reference “to formulate, where possible, commonly shared safety concepts”. The understanding and application of these safety principles should improve safety and benefit everyone, especially those in countries that use or intend to use nuclear power as an energy source
Corrosion in nuclear power plants cause reductions in efficiency and increases in deposit build-up on plant surfaces, making for expensive maintentance and potential radiological health hazards. This book guides studies to predict and minimize corrosion, thus making nuclear power safer and more cost effective. Too often, reliance on empirical models and on-site testing of existing plants makes …
Buku ini merupakan buku yang dirancang secara bagi yang ingin mempelajari sendiri pemrograman database di lingkungan Windows. Dengan konsep "belajar dengan mencoba", buku ini akan membuat siapa pun dengan mudah dapat mempelajari sendiri pemrograman database. (Jml) DAFTAR ISI: Menggunakan Delphi Dasar Database Bekerja dengan Data Mengakses Database Melalui Delphi Menggunakan Querry Menam…
Buku ini mencoba memperkenalkan pemrograman menggunakan salah satu tool opensource untuk menjawab kebutuhan pasar program akuntansi yang berjalan di lingkungan linux. Di dalam buku ini juga berisi program akuntansi yang siap pakai untuk aplikasi persediaan dan penjualan. (Jml)