Buku ini merupakan kompilasi beberapa makalah dari Prof. Said Zainal Abidin, Ph.D. Yang ditulis untuk beberapa majalah, jurnal dan presentasi dalam seminar. Kompilasi didasarkan atas pertimbangan relevansi antar makalah dalam upaya revitalisasi administrasi publik dalam mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang baik (good governance) di Indonesia. (Jml)
Buku ini berisi pengalaman hidup penulisnya yakni Ust. Yusuf Mansur pada saat masih menempuh kehidupan kelam, kehidupan yang jauh dari nilai-nilai moral apalagi nilai ketuhanan. Banyak perenungan sufistik & hikmah yg luar biasa yg tersari melalui 35 kisah nyata Perjalanan Spiritual dalam menepis azab dan menuai rahmat yang akan membawa anda semakin menyadari akan hakikat hidup & kehidupan sehin…
This publication reproduces the explanatory texts on the nuclear liability instruments adopted under the IAEA’s auspices in 1997. Finalized by the International Expert Group on Nuclear Liability (INLEX), these texts constitute a comprehensive study and authoritative interpretation of the IAEA’s nuclear liability regime. More particularly, the texts deal with the Protocol to Amend the Vienna…
An increasing number of nuclear facilities are coming to the end of their useful lives and are being, or are going to be, decommissioned with a view to removing the sites from regulatory control. In many cases, decommissioning activities include the decontamination of land, buildings and other structures such as underground pipes and tanks, or ponds, at the site that became contaminated as a re…
Radioactive waste is generated in a broad range of activities involving a wide variety of radioactive materials associated with, for example, the operation of nuclear facilities, the use of sealed radioactive sources in industry, the use of human made radionuclides in hospitals and laboratories, and the decommissioning of such facilities. The physical, chemical and radiological characteristics …
The objective of this Safety Guide is to provide guidance on the development and implementation of management systems for the pretreatment, treatment, conditioning and storage of radioactive waste. This publication also includes a description of how to apply the requirements detailed in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-R-3, to the activities associated with producing a packaged waste form fo…
Buku Kamus Indonesia – Inggris Edisi ketiga adalah merupakan edisi revisi setelah ditambahkan entri-entri baru sehingga berjumlah lebih dari 31.000 yang kira-kira dua kali jumlah entri dalam edisi kedua dan telah disesuaikan dengan ejaan bahasa Indonesia yang disempurnakan, sehingga membuat kamus ini benar-benar lengkap. (Jml)