Pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir telah diawasi dengan seksama oleh BAPETEN melalui peraturan, perizinan dan inspeksi. Tujuan Pengawasan BAPETEN untuk menjamin tercapainya keselamatan dan keamanan dalam rangka mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan perlindungan lingkungan hidup. Selain tujuan tersebut, terhadap bahan nuklir merupakan bukti komitmen Indonesia sebagai salah satu anggota NPT, di mana sal…
The objective of this Safety Guide is to assist Member States in implementing regulatory requirements for radiation sources that will ensure their safety. To that end, this publication provides guidance on infrastructure responsibilities for safety, on methodologies for performing safety assessments and on specific design and operational measures that should be taken to ensure safety throughout…
This publication states the fundamental safety objective and ten associated safety principles, and briefly describes their intent and purpose. The fundamental safety objective — to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation — applies to all circumstances that give rise to radiation risks. The safety principles are applicable, as relevant, throughout the en…
Pemanfaatan Tenaga Nuklir di Indonesia telah berkembang pesat. Berdasarkan amant Undang-Undang No.10 Tahun 1998 tentang Ketenaganuliran, BAPETREN bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pengawasan terhadap pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir di Indonesia. Pengaawasan tersebut antara lain bertujuna untuk menjamin kesejahteraan, keamanan, ketentraman, keselamatan, kesehatan pekerja dan masyarakat serta perlindun…
This Safety Guide addresses the subject of how to meet the requirements for the decommissioning of medical, industrial and research facilities where radioactive materials and sources are produced, received, used and stored. It provides guidance to national authorities and operating organizations, particularly to those in developing countries (as such facilities are predominant in these countrie…
The purpose of this series of annually published volumes of which the earlier issues were supplements to the Nuclear Fusion journal is to publish original contributions and review articles containing high quality data on the atomic and plasma-material interaction processes of interest to thermonuclear fusion research. The scientific scope of the series includes the topics of elementary ato…
Berisi materi mekanika fluida yang disajikan secara analitik, dengan memberikan penekanan pada pengertian dasar, terutama prinsip kekekalan (konservasi). Bagian pertama membahas secara panjang lebar penurunan persamaan dasar yang penting dalam mekanika fluida, sedangkan bagian Kedua membahas penerapan persamaan dasar tersebut dalam analisis berbagai kondisi aliran. (Jml)
Buku ini merupakan pasangan dari buku yang berjudul Buku Suci Trojan: The Server, yang telah membahas bagaimana membuat suatu program server trojan sederhana dengan visual basic 6.0. Dengan adanya buku ini, semoga dapat menepis ketakutan yang berlebihan serta membuka wawasan, kesadaran, dan peningkatan kewaspadaan pemakai komputer akan ekstensi dan bahaya program Trojan. (Jml)
Athens, city of the gods, birthplace of modern democracy, artistic and cultural center of the ancient world, is steeped in myth and legend. Now, in this newly reissued book publishing just in time for the 2004 Olympics being held in Athans, travel writer John Freely guides readers on a series of walks to the city's most vibrant and historic areas, from the magnificent Parthenon, center of Athen…
This volume presents recent progress in the improvement of the nuclear database needed for the development of Generation IV nuclear energy systems. The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) identified six advanced concepts for sustainable nuclear energy production at competitive prices and with advanced safety, with special attention to nuclear non-proliferation and physical protection iss…