The development of stabilization and solidification techniques in the field of waste treatment reflects the efforts to better protect human health and the environment with modern advances in materials and technology. Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes provides comprehensive information including case studies, selection criteria, and regulatory considera…
Apakah perbedaan komunikasi antara hewan, manusia purba dengan manusia modern? Bagaimana pula dengan ‘bahasa gaul’ wadam? Buku ini menyediakan jawabannya. Ditulis oleh Deddy Mulyana, M.A., Ph.D. seorang pakar komunikasi, buku ini mengombinasikan uraian ilmiah, pengalaman pribadi, dan anekdot, tanpa mengurangi bobotnya sebagai buku yang layak dibaca. Di dalamnya akan ditemukan banyak ilus…
This book contain of seven section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. General provisions; Section III. Activity and fissile material limits; Section IV. Preparation, requirements and controls for shipment and for storage in transit; Section V. Requirements for radioactive materials and for packagings and packages; Section VI. Test procedures; and Section VII. Approval and administrative requ…
This book consist of chapter I. Introduction; 2. The Photographic Process, a review of terms and concepts; 3. Application of the photocraphic technique to personnel monitoring; 4. Requirements for setting up a photographic personnel monitoring service; and 5. Examples of photographic personnel monitoring procedure. (Jml)
This first revision of the Basic Safety Standards was approved by the IAEA board of Governors in September 1965. It was prepared with the assistance of a panel of experts chaired by Prof. L. Bugnard, Director of the French Institut National d'Hygiene, and attended by representatives of several international organizations. (Jml)
This Safety Guide provides principles and practical details on the provisions to be made in the design of nuclear power plants to protect site personnel and the general public from ionizing radiation during operational states and accident conditions. The dose limitation systems, including the ALARA principle, are described as the basis for appropriately addressing the radiation protection featu…
This is the 32nd edition of Reference Data Series No. 2, which presents the most recent reactor data available to the IAEA. It contains summarized information as of the end of 2011 on power reactors that are in operation, under construction and shut down, and performance data on reactors operating in IAEA Member States, as reported to the IAEA. The information is collected through designated na…
Tujuan pengkajian adalah mengkaji segenap unsur dan aspek yang termasuk dalam Batasan dan Kondisi Operasi (BKO) yang sesuai untuk diterapkan pada reaktor penelitian sehingga diperoleh jaminan yang memadai atas tercapainya keselamatan pengoperasian reaktor melalui pemenuhan terhadap BKO tersebut. Hasil kajian ini selanjutnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh unit kerja yang terkait, khususnya DP2IBN, untu…
This document is the seventh edition of the Joint Radiation Emergency Management Plan of the International Organizations (Joint Plan), which was developed, maintained and cosponsored by member organizations of the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (IACRNE). The Joint Plan describes the interagency framework of preparedness for and response to an actual, potential…
In this book the Indonesian cooperation partners of KAS undertake an attempt to appraise the reform process in this country in the areas of politics, law, economics, religion, and society in general. The huge range of issues dealt with in this publication includes topics such as the role of international actors in Indonesia's democratization, the future of the legal reform process, successes an…