In the year after giving birth, women experience a vast array of emotions. They may struggle with postpartum depression while simultaneously being enraptured by the new baby. Colman and Bing help identify the blues and depression that are normal during profound life change and consider all the complex forces influencing the modern mother.
This book consist: Introduction; Elements of neutron protection; Radiation protection in installation and operation of neutron sources; Rules for protection against neutron radiation, and so on. (Jml)
Proceedings of a conference, Sydney, Australia, 18–22 April 1988. The purpose of the conference was to exchange views on the principles of radiation protection, to highlight issues of current importance, to examine the problems encountered in applying the principles of radiation protection and, where possible, to identify generic solutions. The important topics covered were the interface betw…
This second edition contains eight additional pages, summarizing recommended changes resulting from a review of data and procedures presented in the first edition. Otherwise, the report remains unchanged. The report itself represents a step towards a universal code advising users in Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDLs) and radiation therapy centres throughout the world on how to ob…
The main purpose of this report is to assist physicians involved in the early medical handling of radiation victims to apply prompt diagnostic measures and emergency treatment. Special emphasis is given to localized radiation injuries, which are the most frequently occurring direct health effects observed from ionizing radiation. The lessons learned from the accidents at Chernobyl (Ukraine, 198…
This technical report, one of a series on the management of ageing nuclear power plants, presents methodologies for selecting plant components important to safety whose ageing should be assessed and for performing ageing management studies. Although the report has been developed for the management of ageing of plant components important to safety, the methodology studies are applicable to compo…
This book consist : Introduction; Sealed sources; Unsealed sources; Storage of sources; Transportationof radioactive material; Accidents; Decontamination; and Radioactive waste control and disposal. (Jml)
The International Atomic Energy Agency published in 1958 a Manual entitled ''Safe Handling of Radioisotopes'' (Safety Series No. 1 - STI/PUB/1), based on the work of an international panel convened by the Agency. As recommended by that panel and approved by the Agency's Board of Governors, this Addendum has now been prepared, primarily as a supplement to the Manual. It contains technical inform…
This book consist : Introduction; II. Existence and extent of the radioactive-waste disposal problem; III. Approach to asolution of the radioactive-waste disposal problem; IV. Maximum permissible exposure to radiation form disposal of radioactive waste into the sea; V. Nature of the marine environment; VI. Practical evaluation of typical waste-disposal problems; VIII. Control measures; and VIII…
This book consist of Section I – Introduction; Section II – Packaging and package design requirements; and Section III. Items exempt from specified prescriptions low specific activity material, low-level solid radioactive material. (Jml)