Engineers not only need to understand the basics of how fluid power components work, but they must also be able to design these components into systems and analyze or model fluid power systems and circuits. There has long been a need for a comprehensive text on fluid power systems, written from an engineering perspective, which is suitable for an undergraduate-level course in fluid power. Fl…
Technological and social aspects of industrial safety come under the scrutiny of scientists and engineers from an array of backgrounds. This is the third publication developed from a very fruitful, longstanding cooperation between the Institute of Social Research within the Institute of Nuclear Safety System in Japan, and the Research Center Systems Safety, Berlin University of Technology. The …
There is currently significant interest in the development of small modular reactors (SMRs) for the generation of both electricity and process heat. SMRs offer potential benefits in terms of better affordability and enhanced safety, and can also be sited more flexibly than traditional nuclear plants. Small Modular Reactors: Nuclear Power Fad or Future? reviews SMR features, promises, and proble…
Tujuan buku ini bukanlah mengibuli anda dengan mengatakan sikap adalah segalanya, tetapi menunjukkan kepada anda bahwa sikap adalah sang pembeda dalam kehidupan anda. Saya ingin menunjukkan hal tersebut dengan membantu anda memahami dari mana datangnya sikap, apa yang dapat dan tidak dapat dilakukan untuk anda, dan bagaimana anda mengubahnya menjadi asset.
Membahas dua isu penting yang relevan untuk dibahas yaitu : apakah pihak-pihak yang menjadi sasaran (target group) dari perizinan sudah dilibatkan dan digali aspirasinya dalam merumuskan kebijakan perizinan tersebut (transparency and participation principle), dan apakah perumus isi kebijakan perizinan tersebut mempunyai keterampilan dan kepekaan yang cukup dalam merumuskan kebijakan perizinan. …
Buku ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan Rhenald Kasali yang pernah dimuat di harian Kompas yang mengupas beragam topik, mulai dari ekonomi, pendidikan, birokrasi, pariwisata, hingga organisasi maskapai penerbangan; namun semua memiliki esensi yang sama, yakni mendorong atau mengajak semua pihak untuk berani berubah, Let's Change!
This book consist : Introduction; Scope; Basic considerations; Methods for reducing occupational exposures; Health physics progamme; Optimization of exposure reduction techniques; Effects on waste management; Relevant experience; Application to other facilities; and Summary. (Jml)
This “Handbook of Nuclear Medicine Practices in the Developing Countries” is meant primarily for those, who intend to install and practice nuclear medicine in a developing country. By and large, the conventional textbooks of nuclear medicine do not cater to the special problems and needs of these countries. The Handbook is not trying to replace these Textbooks, but supplement them with spec…