This book consist : Introduction; Objectives; Elements of a states system of physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities;
This book contains information about Global energy system; Energy policy; Economics methods; Environmental impacts and costs of energy; Distributed generation and demand-side management; Generation technologies through the year 2025; Outlook for U.S. energy consumption and prices; Transportation systems; Infrastructure risk analysis and security; Electrical energy management; heating, Ventilati…
This book consist of 10 chapters that Overview of U.S. Federal laws and regulations affecting mixed waste treatment; Waste characterization and classification; Separation techniques; Thermal treatment technologies; Non-thermal treatment technologies; Stabilization and solidification technologies; Off-gas control for mixed waste thermal treatment systems; Decontamination; System integration and …
Membahas tentang sistem pembinaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang mencakup : Pengertian Pegawai Negeri, Pembagian Pegawai Negeri, Kedudukan dan tugas Pegawai Negeri, Kewajiban Pegawai Negeri, Hak-hak Pegawai Negeri, Manajemen PNS, Kebijaksanaan Manajemen PNS serta bidang pembinaan PNS. (Jml)
Buku Public Relations (PR) edisi kelima ini telah direvisi dan diperbaharui yang membahas antara lain: Asal mula dan tujuan sejati PR; Penentuan khalayak PR dan perencanaan program-program PR; Tata cara menangani media berita dan bagaimana menciptakan hubungan pers yang baik; Berbagai fungsi dan bentuk media internal; Penyusunan anggaran, etika, dan evaluasi hasil; Metode fotografi dan percetak…
Pengkajian konsepsi peraturan tentang penerimaan dosis radiasi di fasilitas radioterapi ini dilakukan melalui dua cara: studi literatur mengenai prinsip proteksi radiasi di luar negeri dan IAEA, dan survey di fasilitas radioterapi beberapa rumah sakit di Indonesia. Dengan waktu yang kurang dari 10 bulan maka beberapa faktor teknis belum dimasukkan dalam kajian ini adalah beban kerja, arah berka…
This book contains : Introduction; Review of radioactivity and radiation; Principles of radiation protection; Detection, measurement and control of radiation; Safety in the use of unsealed sources; Safety in the use, design and fabrication of sealed sources; Safety in the use of X-ray machines and linear accelerators; Safety in medical uses of radiation sources; Safety in industrial uses; Organ…