This book consists of seven chapters that Dynamical Modeling; Dynamical Mass Balance Model Building and Analysis; Structure Characterisation (SC); Structural Identifiability; Practical Identifiability and Optimal Experiment Design for Parameter Estimation (OED/PE); Estimation of Model Parameters; and Recursive State and Parameter Eastimation. (Jml)
This book contains : Is the domed city doomed?; Seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete buildings; Use of CFRP to strengthen splices and provide continuity in reinforced concrete structures; Earthquake risk mitigationv – The global challenge; Seismic protection of monuments; Mitigation of seismic risk in Italy following the 2002 S.Giuliano Earthquake; New challenges in geotechnique for …
The structure of the first edition has been retained, plus much of the material from the second edition, but variations and additions have been made to specific sections. In part 1 (Principles and Procedures), the importance of an adaptive EIA is addressed further. In the EU context, the implementation of the amended EIA Directive is discussed more fully, including the divergent practice across…
This book consist of 19 chapters that SPT - and CPT-based relationships for the residual shear strength of liquefied soils; Long period strong ground motion and its use as input to displacement based design; Site effects: from observation and modelling to acounting for them in building codes; Source and site factors in microzonation; A review of large-scale testing facilities in geotechnical ea…
Menyajikan dasar-dasar ilmu fisika di bidang kedokteran manusia, agar pembaca khususnya mahasiswa kedokteran kelak lebih mudah memahami segala perkembangan teknologi yang terus berlangsung di dunia kedokteran. Di samping ilmu fisika murni, buku ini menekankan terapan ilmu fisika di bidang anatomi, fisiologi, dinamika dan statika manusia, serta kaitan-kaitan fisika dengan kedokteran klinik. (Jml)
Buku edisi ke empat ini masih memuat latar belakang dan konsep dasar sistem tenaga listrik selain empat topik utama yakni aliran beban, pengiriman ekonomis, perhitungan gangguan, dan kestabilan sistem. Pada edisi keempat ini juga terdapat bab tambahan baru mengenai perlindungan sistem daya. (Jml)
Membahas tentang radiokimia dan penggunaan radioisotop baik sebagai perunut maupun sebagai sumber radiasi dalam kimia, pertanian, geologi, kedokteran dan pengetahuan bumi dan angkasa luar, yang memerlukan beberapa perhatian khusus, disebabkan oleh adanya bahaya terhadap radiasi yang dipancarkan. (Jml),
This book provides worldwide perspektive on International law via its edited cases and commentaries. Of course, it contains many US resources as well. No one country, however, can redefine Intternational law-although it may have a notable impact. My 5th edition ratio of foreign to US case studies was three to one. It is now four to one. (Jml)