Essay about Atomic and nuclear physics – a qualitative description; Neutrons and their interaction with matter; The chain reaction and principles of nuclear reactors; The theory of nuclear reactors – homogeneous thermal reactors; The theory of nuclear reactors – further topics; Heat transfer and fluid flow in nuclear reactors; Thermodynamic aspects of NPP; The operating characteristics of…
The year in review; Nuclear power; Nuclear fuel cycle and waste technology; Comparative assessment of energy sources; Food and agriculture; Human health; Marine environment, water resources and industry; Physical and chemical sciences; Nuclear safety; Radiation safety; Radioactive waste safety; Co-ordiantion of safety activities; Safeguards; Security of material; Management of technical co-oper…
This publication defines the basic concepts and elements of nuclear security culture, with the aim of providing Member States with international consensus guidance on planning and implementing a programme to improve nuclear security culture. Particular emphasis is placed on areas such as regulation, government institutions and general public awareness. The report provides an overview of the nec…
This implementing guide presents a comprehensive methodology for the development of preventive and protective measures against insider threats to nuclear facilities and nuclear material transport operations of all types. Institutional insiders who are privy to the inner workings of security systems present a unique challenge to the establishment of effective control systems for nuclear material…
This book consist : Introduction; Scenarios for the illegal transport of radioactive material; Distribution paths of public mail and possible monitoring locations; Radiation monitoring equipment; Response plan; Implementation of public mail radiation monitoring; and Training. (Jml)