Buku ini menjelaskan secara menyeluruh mengenai Microsoft C# 2008, mulai dari pengenalan dasar sampai pada penggunaan aplikasi pada external data (membuat file dan aplikasi database). Selain itu, juga diberikan contoh pemrograman yang disertai dengan penjelasan di setiap program yang diberikan.
Undang-Undang tentang perpustakaan ini diterbitkan karena perpustakan dipandang sebagai wahana belajar sepanjang hayat dan untuk mengembangkan potensi masyarakat agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab dalam mendukung penyelenggaraan pendi…
The fourth edition of Clinical Nuclear Medicine incorporates the rapid and dramatic changes that have occurred in the field within the last 10 years--particularly the continued growth in clinical applications for PET and other aspects of molecular imaging--so that the book reflects modern practice. With its problem-oriented clinical approach, the book presents relevant topics of current importa…
Terrorism is no longer something that only happens to other countries. Attacks on US soil in the 1990’s brought the reality of terrorism home and the Sept 11th tragedy let us know that the United States is a high priority target. The goal of today’s terrorist is body count, and while traditional bombings have served them in the past, the allure of killing thousands of people with a very s…
Nuclear forensic analysis (or nuclear forensics) is an example of such a new discipline. Certain nuclear forensic techniques have been used for many years in isolated applications, including: * IAEA safeguards system verifying compliance with the treaty’s prohibitions on the manufacture of a nuclear weapon by a non-nuclear weapon state; * Enforcement of controls on the transfer of nuclear mat…
An update of the bestselling guide to selecting, operating, and maintaining high-quality mechanical drive steam turbines for maximum efficiency and minimum downtime. Steam Turbines, Second Edition, offers authoritative information on the operating characteristics, design features, reliability, and maintenance of condensing,extraction, and pack-pressure machines - impulse as well as reaction typ…
When the First Edition of this book was written in 1951, the gas turbine was just becoming established as a powerplant for military aircraft. It took another decade before the gas turbine was introduced to civil aircraft, and this market developed so rapidly that the passenger liner was rendered obsolete. Other markets like naval propulsion, pipeline compression and electrical power application…