Conference on the Establishment of an International Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971 (Publication No. 420 B) SUPPLEMENT
Masih adanya pemahaman yang berbeda tentang proses penyelenggaraan konstruksi di antara para pelaku konstruksi membuat perlu adanya buku panduan yang dapat digunakan baik oleh pemilik proyek, konsultan, maupun kontraktor yang dapat membantu agar setiap proses pengelolaan proyek konstruksi memiliki pemahaman yang sama.
Pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir diawasi dengan seksama oleh BAPETEN melalui peraturan, perizinan dan inspeksi. Tujuan pengawasan untuk menjamin terciptanya keselamatan dan keamanan dalam rangka mewujudkan kesejahteraan amsyarakat dan perlindungan lingkungan hidup. Selain tujuan tersebut, pengawasan terhadap bahan nuklir merupakan bukti komitmen Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara pihak Traktat Pelara…
Berisi Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 25 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pelaksanaan Wajib Lapor Pecandu Narkotika (Jml)
Ada banyak tema berita terkait ketenaganukliran pada edisi 2022 ini. Semuanya terdiri dari 252 berita. Tema khusus yang menyangkut BAPETEN adalah terkait pernyataan bahwa tidak ada peningkatan paparan radiasi untuk Rumah Sakit Kariadi yang terbakar. Selain itu, isu tentang komersialisasi PLTN pada 2032, dan peluang kerja sama nuklir dengan Rusia. Isu menarik lain yang tida…
As useful to students and nuclear professionals as its popular predecessors, this fifth edition provides the most up-to-date and accessible introduction to radiation detector materials, systems, and applications. There have been many advances in the field of radiation detection, most notably in practical applications. Incorporating these important developments, Measurement and Detection of Radi…
The sun radiates a tremendous amount of energy, called solar energy or solar radiation, which is the main natural source of energy on the Earth, by far. Because solar radiation is the almost unique supplier of energy to the Earth, it has a primary influence on life and activities on the Earth. The climate is a first example, but there are many others, such as plant growth or human health, or ev…
This comprehensive book covers the everyday use and underlying principles of radiation dosimeters used in radiation oncology clinics. It provides an up-to-date reference spanning the full range of current modalities with emphasis on practical know-how. The main audience is medical physicists, radiation oncology physics residents, and medical physics graduate students. The reader gains the neces…
Big Data in Radiation Oncology gives readers an in-depth look into how big data is having an impact on the clinical care of cancer patients. While basic principles and key analytical and processing techniques are introduced in the early chapters, the rest of the book turns to clinical applications, in particular for cancer registries, informatics, radiomics, radiogenomics, patient safety and qu…
Buku Panduan (Programme Guide) Indonesian Science Year and 100 Years of Einstein Theory, Meeting of Indonesian Scientist in the 21st Century: “Toward Bright and Brilliant Indonesia”. Jakarta: 18-19 Nopember 2005. (AR)