The primary aim of the handbook series will be to include as much useful data as possible for the specialist needing ready access for the solution of problems most likely to arise in the radiation protection professions. However, some selected review of fundamental concepts is also included to enable persons with a basic science or engineering background to acquire the necessary knowledge to so…
This book consist of Introduction; The history of energy; Energy reserves and renewable energy sources; Emerging fuel technologies and policies impacting these technologies; History of conversion of thermal energy to work; Transportation; Production o electricity; Energy in heating, Ventilation, and air conditioning; Electrical power as sustainable energy; Atomic processes; Recycling and waste …
Berisi kumpulan pidato Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia tahun 2013
Managing nuclear power emergencies is significantly different from managing other types of emergencies, including fire, flood, and other disasters because nuclear disaster management requires special technical skills and a rigid protocol which outlines detailed steps and procedure before an evacuation announcement could be made. It was evident that the impacts from a nuclear power core-meltdown…
This text focuses on nuclear waste management, which can work in democratic countries only if viewed as legitimate by the population. The book posits the inability of democracies to establish such legitimacy as an explanation for the current absence of public policy decisions that can identify a solution.
Berdasarkan survey dari Partnership for Governance Reform tahun 2002, terdapat persepsi masyarakat bahwa badan peradilan merupakan merupakan badan terkorup dibandingkan badan-badan lainnya. Survey dari Transparency International menempatkan Badan Peradilan Indonesia dalam kategori badan paling korup diantara badan-badan peradilan lain di dunia. Hal ini ini mendorong KY utuk membuka lembaran put…
Perancangan mesin pengirat bambu ini direncanakan hingga mencapai pengiratan 1 mm dengan menggunakan rol sebagai media pengantar dan pengarah material. Bambu banyak memiliki kegunaan bagi manusia seperti buluhnya digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan, bahan baku untuk pembuatan kertas, bahan anyaman serta ada jenisnya yang dapat dimakan sebagai sayuran. Tanaman bambu mempunyai sifat-sifat khusus yan…