Pasir xenotim merupakan mineral yang banyak mengandung unsur-unsur logam tanah jarang terutama itrium. Unsur-unsur logam tanah jarang mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang tinggi dalam bentuk logam murninya dan mempunyai kegunaan yang penting dalam industri nuklir maupun non nuklir. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan usaha untuk memisahkan unsur-unsur logam tanah jarang. Salah satu caranya adalah denan met…
Limbah cair khromium merupakan salah satu limbah industri yang membahayakan bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup terutama manusia dan juga termasuk dalam golongan limbah B3. Penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi limbah cair khromium yang diserap oleh zeolit alam teraktivasi untuk mengurangi/mengambil khromium dari cairan limbahnya. (Jml)
This book describes about electromagnetic theory. There are 17 Chapters in this book. In chapter 1 describes about vector analysis, chapter 2 about electrostatistics, and in the chapter 3 describes about Solution of Electrostatistic Problems. This book has 383 page and published in Japan at 1962. This book is written by Jhon R. Reitz Departement of Physics Case Institute of Technology and Frede…
This book discusses Communication Engineering. The topics of discussion include the basic foundations of network communication, network behavior analysis methods, resonance, and many others
Radiation Safety provides a comprehensive safety guide on radiation protection. * Pertaining to homeland security, this title is a comprehensive guide to radiation protection caused by accidents or terrorism * Provides essential strategies and guidance for protecting ports and examines the latest nuclear detection devices that can be deployed * Explains the procedures in FEMA's…
Spent nuclear fuel from nuclear reactor activities in the world must be considered in its management. Careful planning is needed so that it does not pose a risk that can be harmful to humans and the surrounding environment. This book is specifically about how to ideally reprocess spent nuclear fuel more safely. Published in 2018 which consists of 24 chapters. Topics cover the introduction and f…
Proceedings contains material Review; Radiation preservation of onions under tropical conditions; Combined treatments and irradiation to reduce microbial contamination in dried cuttle fish; Irradiation of hot peppers to improve their hygienic quality; Preservation of dried fish powders and mixed condiments by gamma irradiation; Commercial storage and marketing trials of irradiated onions and ga…
Penelitian untuk menentukan kapasitas dan karakterisasi resin penukar kation jenis sulfonat terhadap ion K+, Mg+2, dan Fe+3 dilakukan dengan metoda alkalimetri, kapasitas pengembangan ditentukan secara volumentri, sedangkan kadar air ditentukan secara gravimetri. Tingkat keselektifan resin terhadap ketiga kation tersebut dilakukan dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi HCl pengelusi. Kandungan kation…