Bab ini membahas tentang waktu dalam penciptaan jagat raya, yaitu tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan penciptaan selama "enam hari" atau "enam masa"?. Selain itu juga dipaparkan hal-hal lain yang tekait dengan proses penciptaan jagat raya. Karena itu, masalah yang berhubungan dengan penciptaan jagat raya juga diuraikan dalam kajian ini sebagai kelanjutannya. Persoalan-persoalan itu adalah tentang …
Kontingensi adalah suatu keadaan atau situasi yang diperkirakan akan segera terjadi, tetapi mungkin juga tidak terjadi. Rencana kontingensi adalah suatu proses perencanaan ke depan, dalam situasi terdapat potensi terjadi bencana, dimana skenario dan tujuan disepakati bersama, tindakan teknis dan manajerial ditetapkan bersama, dan sistem tanggapan dan pengerahan potensi disetujui bersama untuk m…
This Safety Report draws on the requirements of international standards and the recommendations of international organizations as well as on the scientific literature, together with direct experience from a number of IAEA Member States in relation to carrying out representative indoor radon surveys. The need for and the purpose of representative indoor radon surveys are discussed, as are the fa…
PPT ini merupakan kegiatan “Sosialisasi Teknis Pihak Berkepentingan Untuk Proses Perpanjangan Izin Operasi RSG-GAS”, pada hari Jumat, 13 November 2020. Daftar Isi: Pendahuluan • Pengawasan IBN • Struktur Organisasi DPIBN • Objek Pengawasan IBN • Pengawasan IBN dalam Kenormalan Baru • Penutup Link berita:…
Engineering has experienced a technological revolution, but the basic engineeringtechniques applied in safety and reliability engineering, created in a simpler, analog world, havechanged very little over the years. In this groundbreaking book, Nancy Leveson proposes a newapproach to safety--more suited to today's complex, sociotechnical, software-intensive world--basedon modern systems thinking…
This book discusses HVAC Water Chillers And Cooling Towers. A book of a technical nature that can be read by building owners, building operations and repair personnel, architects, and the like. The book contains three main things, namely a basic understanding of work systems and equipment, design and application as well as how to operate and periodically maintain. The subject is divided into 17…
This book discusses the handling of radiation accidents. Written by a person with long experience in the field. The topic of discussion is divided into 7 chapters such as basic radiological science, exposure and contamination, radiation injury and detection, recognizing radioactive material, treatment (MM).
Identifies the typical parameters and terms necessary for collecting and exchanging maintainability data. The definitions are valid for corrective maintenance. For preventive maintenance, a similar classification can be drawn up. The general guidelines on the exchange of reliability data for nuclear power plants are given in ISO 6527.
Proceedings of a symposium, jointly organized by the Federal Republic of Germany, IAEA and OECD/NEA, Munich, 7–10 November 1988. The overall emphasis was placed on the international aspects of nuclear safety. Contents: Opening session; National regulatory practices and safety standards; National regulatory systems; Implementation of regulatory practices (technical issues); Implementation of …
Every day humans will be faced with radiation, both artificial radiation and natural radiation. the use of nuclear reactors, the use of mobile phones, nuclear weapons and so on, there is always a potential risk that is harmful to the environment and humans. Therefore, it is necessary to take mitigation measures related to nuclear radiation accidents. This book is about that. The discussion topi…