Buku “Dasar-Dasar Fenomena Transport Volume 2 Transfer Panas” ini telah diperbaharui dari edisi-edisi sebelumnya dengan aplikasi-aplikasi dalam dunia teknologi modern, seperti pemrosesan material, pendinginan chip elektronik, rekayasa biokimiawi, dan teknologi-teknologi lainnya. (Jml)
Laporan Tahunan 2018 menyajikan pelaksanaan RPJMN 2015-2019 dan Rencana Strategis (Renstra) LAPAN 2015-2019 yang telah memasuki tahun ke-4. Dalam laporan kali ini, disampaikan beberapa capaian program unggulan LAPAN yang dilaporkan oleh seluruh unit kerja. Berbagai kegiatan yang dipaparkan merupakan pelaksanaan dari empat kompetensi utama yang dimiliki LAPAN, meliputi bidang sains antariksa…
This publication reviews the current status, developments and trends in electronics and digital signal processing methods for nuclear spectrometry. It details improvements in resolution, background reduction and throughput in radiation detector systems achieved by replacing the traditional analog signal processing systems with digital systems. Furthermore it summarizes digital signal processing…
This Safety Report updates IAEA Safety Series No. 39, Safe Handling of Plutonium (1974), and provides an overview of modern practices for handling and storing separated plutonium. It provides descriptions of plutonium and its properties, and of the biological effects on humans of plutonium. The principles underlying the safe design and operation of plutonium handling/storage facilities and the …
A D value is the quantity of radioactive material which is considered a dangerous source. A dangerous source is one that, if uncontrolled, could result in death or a permanent injury which decreases that person’s quality of life. Various IAEA documents concerning emergency preparedness and safety and security of radioactive sources list D values for a limited set of radionuclides. This docume…
Indonesia memiliki banyak jenis Instalasi Nuklir Non Reaktor (INNR). Sesuai UU Ketenaganukliran Nomor 10 Tahun 1997, Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN) salah satunya bertugas dalam pengawasan terhadpa INNR. Dokumen ini adalah kajian terhadap penentuan kriteria penerimaan analisis keselamatan INNR secara kaulitatif khususya pada analisis kecelakaan meliputi pengembangan skenario, analisi…
At its 59th regular session, the IAEA General Conference adopted resolution GC(59)/RES/9, which “[e]ncourages Member States to ensure regular self-assessments of their domestic nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety, as well as emergency preparedness, using the IAEA self-assessment tools and taking into account the relevant IAEA Safety Standards”. To assist Member States in completi…
Thousands of laboratories worldwide are performing analyses of the stable isotopic composition of elements for a large variety of scientific applications, ranging from hydrology, geology and climate studies to agriculture, biology or medicine. These laboratories may develop and validate new analytical methods, study the adherence to legislative rules or provide services to other organizations. …
This publication presents the outcome of a technical meeting on modern neutron detection. The objective of the meeting was to bring together experience and opinions from experts from various fields in which neutron detection is used, and to produce this publication that will cover the current state of the art in neutron detection and provide a medium-term outlook on technologies in the field. T…
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami damaged the Madras Atomic Power Station in India and led to a new understanding of the importance of flooding hazards caused by tsunamis at nuclear power plant sites. The Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami in 2011, which heavily damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, re-emphasized the importance of tsunami hazard assessments. Recognizing…