In response to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011, the IAEA developed the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety. One of the objectives of the plan was to ensure that, following a nuclear emergency, people and the environment are protected from ionizing radiation. One of the activities undertaken to address this objective was the International Project on Mana…
This is the 41st edition of Reference Data Series No. 2, which presents the most recent reactor data available to the IAEA. It contains summarized information as of the end of 2020 on power reactors operating, under construction and shut down as well as performance data on reactors operating in the IAEA Member States. The information is collected through designated national correspondents in th…
Buku ini merupakan bagian dari sedikit buku yang membahas Fisika Plasma dan kemungkinan aplikasinya. Buku ini ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman yang bersangkutan dalam pengajaran Fisika Plasma di Jurusan Fisika dan pengalaman penelitian beliau di bidang aplikasi plasma dingin untuk lingkungan, medis, dan pertanian. Buku ini menerangkan dasar-dasar fisika plasma yang telah menjadi bahan pengajaran …
Glosarium pengawasan ketenaganukliran disusun berdasarkan Keputusan Sekretaris Utama Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN) Nomor 0345/SET/II/2018 tanggal 20 Februari 2018. Dalam Keputusan tersebut ditetapkan bahwa tim penyusun glosarium mempunyai tugas menginventarisasi bahan yang diperlukan untuk menyusun glosarium pengawasan ketenaganukliran sesuai dengan batas waktu yang ditentukan. T…
This publication provides guidance and gives detailed advice on methods and practical examples to develop quality assurance (QA) programmes for the safe transport of radioactive material. It further promotes a flexible approach to the development of a QA programme and may be used to prepare such a programme for a specific application by selection of appropriate features.
This book contain of seven section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. General provisions; Section III. Activity and fissile material limits; Section IV. Preparation, requirements and controls for shipment and for storage in transit; Section V. Requirements or radioactive materials and for packagings and packages; Section VI. Test procedures; and Section VII. Approval and administrative requi…
Berisi materi mekanika fluida yang disajikan secara analitik, dengan memberikan penekanan pada pengertian dasar, terutama prinsip kekekalan (konservasi). Bagian pertama membahas secara panjang lebar penurunan persamaan dasar yang penting dalam mekanika fluida, sedangkan bagian Kedua membahas penerapan persamaan dasar tersebut dalam analisis berbagai kondisi aliran. (Jml)
This book contains material: Fundamental concepts relating to fluids; Fluids in equilibrium (fluid 'statics'); The principles of fluid motion; The momentum equation; Two kind of flow; Laminar flow between solid boundaries; Turbulent flow in pipes; Boundary layers and wakes; Physical similarity; The flow of an ideal fluid; Flow with a free surface; Flow with appreciable changes of density; Unste…
Modern Physics is the most up-to-date, accessible presentation of modern physics available. The book is intended to be used in a one-semester course covering modern physics for students who have already had basic physics and calculus courses. The balance of the book leans more toward ideas than toward experimental methods and practical applications because the beginning student is better served…
This Safety Report specifies features of work under radiation conditions, the general rules of radiological protection for occupational exposure and the organization of the medical surveillance of workers occupationally exposed to radiation. It supersedes IAEA Safety Series No. 83, Radiation Protection in Occupational Health: Manual for Occupational Physicians (1987).