Membahas pengetahuan tentang makna warna, pola, bintik, dan garis pada makhluk hidup di alam, dan segala sesuatu yang ada di alam yang terkadang digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi, kadangkala sebagai peringatan bagi pemangsa, memiliki arti penting dan vital bagi makhluk hidup. Sehingga cerah atau gelapnya bayangan warna makhluk tersebut, bahkan garis-garisnya telah dirancang khusus. (Jml)
Membahas tentang fakta-fakta yang meruntuhkan teori evolusi, untuk menangkal kekeliruan pandang akibat teori ini yang telah begitu lama menjadi landasan bagi semua filsafat anti-Tuhan. Penjelasan yang disampaikan dilengkapi dengan ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an. (Jml)
Buku ini membahas beberapa dari ayat Allah yang tak terbilang, untuk menunjukkan betapa keajaibankeajaiban yang ada pada sebagian makhluk hidup, untuk mengajak manusia berfikir sebagaimana firmannya “Dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, silih bergantinya malam dan siang, bahtera yang berlayar dilaut membawa apa yang berguna bagi manusia, dan apa yang Allah turunkan dari langit berupa air, lalu d…
This book consist : Introduction ; Commissioning programme; Principal stages of commissioning; Testing procedures; Organization, responsibilities and audit; Interfaces between construction, commissioning and operating activities at the site; Deviations during commissioning; and Documentation. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Administrative requirements; Main physical properties; Strategies for monitoring programmes; Monitoring methods; Personal monitoring; and Health related surveillance. (Jml)
This book contain of seven section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. General principles and provisions; Section III. Activity and fissile material limits; Sectin IV. Preparation, requirements and controls for shipment and for storage in transit; Section v. Requirements for radioactive materials and for packagings and packagaes; Section VI. Test procedures; and Section VII. Approval and admi…
This book consist of thirteen schedule: Schedule 1. Limited quantities of radioactive material in excepted packages; Schedule 2. Instruments and articles in excepted packages; Schedule 3. Articles manufactured from natural uranium, depleted uranium or natural thorium as excepted packages; Schedule 4. Empty packagings as excepted packages; Schedule 5. Low specific activity material (LSA-I); Sche…
This book consist : Itroduction; Modes of exposure; Protection against occupational exposure; Application of radiological protection principles; Heelath surveillance and medical records; and Medical management of accidentally exposed workers. (Jml)
This book contain of seven section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. General provisions; Section III. Activity and fissile material limits; Section IV. Preparation, requirements and controls for shipment and for storage in transit; Section V. Requirements for radioactive materials and for packagings and packages; Section VI. Test procedures; and Section VII. Approval and administrative requ…
This book contain of seven section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. General principles and provisions; Section III. Activity and fissile material limits; Section IV. Preparation, requirements and controls for shipment and for storage in transit; Section V. Requirements for radioactive materials and for packagings and packages; Section VI. Test procedures; and Section VII. Approval and admi…