This book consist : Introduction; Conditions for using direct methods for measuring radionuclides in the human body; Techniques of investigation; Analysis data from measurements; and Practical details. (Jml)
This book consist : Introducton; Overview of uses of ionizing radiation sources; Background; Development of a general operational radiation protection programme; and Elements of a regulatory programme for assuring safe use of radionuclides. (Jml)
This book consist : Itroduction; The dose upper bound concept; The need for global and regional dose upper bounds; Principles for establishing and applying global dose upper bounds; Principles for establishing and applying regional dose upper bounds; Dose upper bounds for sea dumping; and Summary and conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Accident analysis and action levels; Protective measures; Planning for an emergency response; Procedures for implementation; Medical aspects; Public information; Training and exercises; and Maintaining and updating the emergency plans. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Basic concept and organization; Requirements for individual monitoring; Monitoring in normal operations; Monitoring for accidental overexposure; Calibration; Records; Reporting; and Training. (Jml)
This book consist of four chapters: Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Radiation risk; Chapter 3. The system of dose limitation; Chapter 4. Derived limits; Chapter 5. Optimization of protection in mines; Chapter 6. Application of the optimization procedures in mills; Chapter 7. Technology of protection measures; Chapter 8. Operational decisions and job rotation; and Chapter 9. Training of pers…
This book consist : Scope; Section I. Introduction to the definition and recommendations; Section II. Definition of high level radioactive waste or other high level radioactive matter unsuitable for dumping at sea; and Section III. Recommendations required by annex II of the convention pertaining to the dumping of radioactive wastes. (Jml)
This book contain of eight Section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. Packaging and package design requirements; Section III. Items exempt from specified prescriptions: low specific activity material: Low-level solid radioactive material; Section IV. Activity limits; Section V. Controls for transport and storage in transit; Section VI. Fissile materials; Section VII. Test and inspection proc…
This book consist : Introduction; Scenarios for the illegal transport of radioactive material; Distribution paths of public mail and possible monitoring locations; Radiation monitoring equipment; Response plan; Implementation of public mail radiation monitoring; and Training. (Jml)
Nuclear scientists have recognized that much can be learned from the analysis of reported cases of illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive material, specifically, what the material has been used for, where it was obtained from (stock, scrap or waste) and whether the amount seized was only a sample of a much more significant quantity. These and many other questions can be answered t…