This book consist : Introduction; Monitoring overview; Section A. Field radiation and contamination monitoring; Section B. Field sampling; Section C. Gross alpha and beta measurements; Section D. Gamma spectrometry; Section E. Radiochemical analysis; Section F. and Basic data evaluation. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; National radioactive waste management framework; Origin and characteristics of radioactive waste; Radioactive waste management; Local waste management; Acceptance documentation; Centralized waste management; Clearance of radioactive waste from further regulatory control; Transportation; Environmental monitoring; Quality assurance; and Regional co-operation. (Jml)
Fossil fuels; Biomas energy; Nuclear resources; Solar energy resources; Wind energy resources; Geothermal energy; Steam powerplant; Gas turbines; Internal combustion engenes; Hydraulics turbines; Stirling engines; Advantes fossil fuel power systems; Combined cycle powerplants; Energy storage technologies; Nuclear power technologies; Nuclear fusion; Solar thermal energy conversion; Concentrating…
Essay about Introduction; Basic principles of radiation protection; Organizational aspects; Practical aspects of implementation of a radiation protection programme; Effluent release, radioactive waste disposal and environmental monitoring; Storage, handling and transport of radioactive materials; Training; Facilities and equpment; Records; and then Annex 1 & 2, Bibliography, Definitions, List o…
This book consist : IAEA safeguards purpose and objective; Nuclear and non-nuclear material; Nuclear installations and equipment; Design of the safeguards approach; Nuclear material accountancy; Measurements and equipment; Statistical concepts; Containment and surveillance; Safeguards information, records and reports; and Inspections. (Jml)
Study about the two-phase cross flow has been started in rather simple geometry using horizontal rod arrays by several authors. Kondo and Nakajima (1980) and Dowlati et al. (1990, 1992) are examples of investigators who have reported their studies on the two-phase flow across horizontal rod arrays. The former investigators determined a flow pattern and proposed a void fraction correlation obtai…
A textbook for a senior or graduate course in medical or health physics. Students are assumed to be familiar with the radiation-producing devices used in radiation oncology. The second volume corrects some errors detected in the 1998 first, and adds discussions of intensity modulated radiation therapy, CT room design, the design of direct shielded doors, and other topics. Annotation c. Book New…
This book consist : Introduction; Franework for occupational radiation protection; Dose limitation; Optimization of radiation protection for practices; Radiation protection programmes; Intervention in emergencies; Health surveillance. (Jml)