Buku ini membahas tentang rekomendasi rumusan Indeks Kepemimpinan Nasional Indonesia (IKNI) atau Indonesia National Leadership Indexs (INLI), yaitu suatu sistem untuk menemukan informasi secara cepat, mudah, dan kategoris tentang standarisasi kualitas kepemimpinan yang relevan dengan konteks universal dan keindonesiaan (partikularistik). (Jml)
Pengkajian konsepsi peraturan tentang clearance level untuk instalasi nuklir ini dilakukan melalui dua cara: kajian literatur mengenai prinsip dan pengalaman tingkat klierens di luar negeri dan IAEA, dan survei di fasilitas penghasil / pengelola limbah padat di BATAN, Wakil Direktorat Pengaturan, Perizinan dan Inspeksi BAPETEN, staf P3KRBiN, P3TM, P3TkN dan P2PLR BATAN turut serta dalam kegiata…
Essay about Energy; Atoms and Nuclei; Radioactivity; Nuclear processes; Radiation and materials; Fission; Fusion; Particle accelerators; Isitope separators; Radiation detectors; Nutron chain reactions; Nuclear heat energy; Breeder reactors; Fusion reactors; The history of nuclear energy; Biological effects of radiation; Information from isotopes; Useful radiation effects; Reactor safety; Nuclea…
Essay about Nuclear concept; Atomic theory; Nuclear theory; Radioactive decay; Interactions of radiation with matter; Neutron physics; Neutron transport; and Nuclear reactor control; including numerical example and problems with Appendix, reference, and index. (Jml)
This book contains information about Introduction to energy management and conservation; Outlook for U.S. energy consumption and prices in the midierm; Economic methods; Energy auidits for buildings; Electrical energy management in buildings; Heating, ventilatin, and air conditioning control systems' Energy efficient lighting technologies and their applications in the commercial and residential…
Proton Therapy Physics goes beyond current books on proton therapy to provide an in-depth overview of the physics aspects of this radiation therapy modality, eliminating the need to dig through information scattered in the medical physics literature. After tracing the history of proton therapy, the book summarizes the atomic and nuclear physics background necessary for understanding proton i…
this book is intended to be used as a textbook on nuclear chemistry and pharmacy for nuclear medicine residents and students and as a reference book for nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists. New sections in the Sixth Edition include: • PET/CT and SPECT/CT • Digital Imaging • Exploratory IND • Nanoparticle Imaging • Treatment of liver cancer with 90Y-TheraSpheres and 90Y-SIR-Sp…
The purpose of this book is to describe the details of the technology associated with radiation oncology, A special emphasis is placed on the design of all the equipment allied emphasizing design of all equipment allied with radiation treatment. In addition, this book describes the procedures that are required to implement this equipment into clinical service (needs assessment, purchase, accept…
The purpose of this book is to describe the details of the technology associated with radiation oncology, A special emphasis is placed on the design of all the equipment allied emphasizing design of all equipment allied with radiation treatment. In addition, this book describes the procedures that are required to implement this equipment into clinical service (needs assessment, purchase, accept…