Pengkajian pengelolaan limbah radioaktif ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka menunjang keperluan pengawasan keselamatan pekerja, masyarakat dan lingkungan. Hasil kajian diperoleh melalui pengolahan data dari dua kelompok sumber informasi yakni dari sumber literatur, termasuk peraturan perundang-undangan dan hasil survei P2STPFRZR tentang pengelolaan limbah radioaktif dan Tenorm dalam kaitannya dengan…
Buku ini berisi petunjuk sederhana guna membantu dalam menyusun dan menyajikan laporan keuangan untuk tujuan umum, sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan yang telah diupayakan setara dengan standar akuntansi internasional, sekaligus membantu melakukan sosialissi Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di kalangan masyarakat luas. (Jml)
This book was first designed for advanced practice nurses serving the primary health care needs of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs) and family nurse practitioners (FNPs) were, and still are, primary audience. However, audience has grown so that physician assistants, pediatricians, family physicians, pediatric clinical nurse specialists, community health n…
Essay about Remediation engineering; Contaminant characteristics and partitioning; Soil vapor extraction; In situ air sparging; In situ bioremediation; Vacuum-enhanced recovery; In situ walls; In situ reactive zones; Hydraulic and pneumatic fracturing; Phytoremediation; Pump and treat systems; and Stabilization and solidification. (Jml)
Essay about the basic tools and step by step procedures needed to design implement an effective on going behavioral safety approach that is tailored to fit any company. (Jml)
This new volume examines practical applications and useful examples for conserving energy and reducing energy costs in commercial, institutional, and industrial plants and facilities. The first of the book provides and introduction, and the basic scientific principles and economics of energy management. The second part is a clearly-written, comprehensive handbook of the most commonly used energ…
This book consists of eleven chapters that Introduction; Pre-treatment; Trickling filters; Activated sludge process; Bio-oxidation – other aspects; Nutrient removal; Tertiary treatment; Sludge handling and disposal; anaerobic digestion of wastewaters; Industrial wastewater treatment; and The future. (Jml)