This book consist : China;s spent fuel treatment: The present status and prospects; The French view for spent fuel treatment: Reprocessing, conditioning and recycling; Status of power reactor fuel reprocessing in India; Spent fuel tretament in Japan; WWER reactor spent fuel treatment at the final stage of the fuel cycle; and The status of spent fuel tretament in the United Kingdom. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Basic storage technologies and facility types; Experience with wet storage of spent fuel; Experience with dry storage of spent fuel; and Transportation of spent fuel. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Reasons for applying sat; A model of evolution to sat; Experience gained from the application of sat; and Experiences of member states in the application of sat. (Jml)
This book consist : Equipment and techniques (Session 1); and Experience and needs (Session 2). (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Overview of materials considerations in wet storage; Behaviour of stainless steels in wet storage; Aluminium alloys; Carbon steels in wet storage; Copper alloys in wet storage; Fuel materials in wet storage; Radiation effects in wet storage; Water chemistry factors; and Bases for fuel categories. (Jml)
This book consist : Opening session; Session I. Alternatif long term strategies for sustainable development: Rapidly increasing electricity consuption in Asia countries and future role of nuclear energy, etc; Session II. The US program for disposition of excess weapons plutonium, etc; Session III. Development potential for thermal reactors and their fuel cycles, etc; Session IV. Risk associated…
This book consist : Spent fuel management in the Czech Republic; Status and prospects for spent fuel management in France; LWR spent fuel management in the Federal Republic of Germany; Spent fuel management in Hugary: Current status and progress; Programme on spent fuel management in India; Spent fuel management in Japan; Spent fuel management in the Republic of Korea: Current status and plans;…
This book consist : Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Facility description; Chapter 3. Experiment description and results of he test; Chapter 4. Analytical models; Chapter 5. Comparison of measured and calculated parameters; Chapter 6. Results of post-test calculations; and Chapter 7. Conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Production of alternative 99 Tc m Generator technologies; and Technologies developed under the CRP. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Characterization of sealed source; Legislation and regulations; Responsibility for the management of spent sealed sources; Transportation of spent sealed sources; and Final disposal of conditioned spent sealed sources. (Jml)