A variety of atomic and sub-atomic processes, including alpha, beta, and gamma decay or electron ejection from inner atom shells, can produce ionizing radiation. This radiation can in turn produce environmental and biological effects both harmful – including DNA damage and other impacts of so-called ‘radiation sickness’ – and helpful, including radiation treatment for cancerous tumors. …
Fusion Reactor Design Provides a detailed overview of fusion reactor design, written by an international leader in the field Nuclear fusion—generating four times as much energy from the same mass of fuel as nuclear fission—is regarded by its proponents as a viable, eco-friendly alternative to gas-fired, coal-fired, and conventional power plants. Although the physics of nuclear fusion is es…
Fusion Reactor Design Provides a detailed overview of fusion reactor design, written by an international leader in the field Nuclear fusion—generating four times as much energy from the same mass of fuel as nuclear fission—is regarded by its proponents as a viable, eco-friendly alternative to gas-fired, coal-fired, and conventional power plants. Although the physics of nuclear fusion i…
Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Second Edition is a fully revised and updated comprehensive resource on the latest research and advances in generation IV nuclear reactor concepts. Editor Igor Pioro and his team of expert contributors have updated every chapter to reflect advances in the field since the first edition published in 2016. The book teaches the reader about available tech…
Ionizing Radiation Technologies An authoritative overview of major advances in the application of ionizing radiation technologies to industrial, agricultural, and municipal waste products In Ionizing Radiation Technologies: Managing and Extracting Value from Wastes, a team of expert researchers delivers a broad overview of the value trapped in waste streams and how a strategic application o…
Prepared by the Nuclear Standards Committee and the Task Committee on Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Structures of the Codes and Standards Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. Seismic Design Criteria for Structures, Systems, and Components in Nuclear Facilities provides stringent design criteria for multiple aspects associated with nuclear facilities. Because of …
Severe Accidents in Nuclear Reactors: Corium Retention Technologies and Insights presents an authoritative and practical analysis of the latest severe accident management strategies based on previous events and experiments. Written for utilities and industries operating and researching nuclear cooled reactor power plants, this book presents the exponential growth in research since major nuclear…
Nuclear Decommissioning Case Studies: Policies, Strategies, Planning and Knowledge Management focuses on policy, strategy, planning and knowledge management in nuclear decommissioning, offering readers guidance on events that occur in early stages of the lifecycle. The book helps readers plan in advance to avoid and reduce schedule delays and cost overruns to ensure a smooth, safe and successfu…
TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL UMUM Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini, peserta dapat memahami aspek material dan manajemen penuaan reaktor nuklir. TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS Peserta dapat memahami: 1. Sifat mekanik material yang penting; 2. Jenis material struktur reaktor nuklir; 3. Proses degradasi material dalam reaktor nuklir; 4. Dasar manajemen penuaan reaktor nuklir. (AR)
TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Memahami konsep budaya keselamatan dan keamanan nuklir serta penilaiannya INDIKATOR KEBERHASILAN: 1. Peserta dapat menjelaskan latar belakang pentingnya budaya keselamatan dan keamanan 2. Peserta mampu menjelaskan konsep budaya keselamatan dan keamanan 3. Peserta mampu menjelaskan karakteristik dan tahapan budaya keselamatan dan keamanan 4. Peserta mampu menjelaskan ta…