Peserta mampu menjelaskan konsep kesiapsiagaan dan penanggulangan kedaruratan nuklir. INDIKATOR KEBERHASILAN: 1. Menjelaskan kesiapsiagaan dan penanggulangan kedaruratan nuklir 2. Menjelaskan unsur infrastruktur (GSR Part 7) 3. Menjelaskan fungsi penanggulangan (GSR Part 7) 4. Menjelaskan 3 tingkatan Kedaruratan Nuklir (PP No 54/ 2012) (AR)
This comprehensive handbook is a compendium of the current state-of-the art of high field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization—from long-proven, early developments, up to today’s hot topics. It covers all the relevant subjects that have made a direct or indirect contribution toward advancing this field, and focuses on topics such as: the theory behind the effects seen within DNP; instrumentation re…
Di Indonesia terdapat kegiatan industri yang menggunakan NORM (Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials), antara lain kegiatan pembersihan fasiltas industri dengan teknik sandblasting. Abrasive blasting digunakan untuk pembersihan pemukaan baja/metal biasanya untuk membersihkan scale, karat, cat tua atau benda lainnya sebelum penggunaan lapisan pelindung. (Jml)
Buku ini hadir sebagai sumber referensi untuk dapat menjadi solusi atas kelangkaan dunia literasi di bidang kearsipan yang berisi materi tentang Penciptaan Arsip; Penggunaan Arsip; Penyusutan Arsip; Program Arsip Vital; Program Arsip Terjaga; Akuisisi Arsip Statis; Standar Deskripsi Arsip Statis; Preservasi Arsip Statis; Akses dan Layanan Arsip Statis; dan Pemeliharaan Arsip Inaktif. Buku in…
Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir merupakan teknologi pembangkit energi skala besar yang bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap limbah dan biaya pengelolaannya. Pada setiap tahap dari daur bahan bakar ada teknologi penyimpanan lestari limbah radioaktif yang terbukti aman. Tujuan utama mengelola dan menyimpan secara lestari limbah radioaktif adalah untuk melindungi masyarakat dan lingkungan. Hal ter…
Nuclear Cultures: Irradiated Subjects, Aesthetics and Planetary Precarity aims to develop the field of nuclear humanities and the powerful ability of literary and cultural representations of science and catastrophe to shape the meaning of historic events. Examining multiple discourses and textual materials, including fiction, poetry, biographies, comics, paintings, documentary and photography, …
This second edition of Nuclear Renaissance: Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Power continues to examine the future of nuclear power in the contexts of economics, environmental sustainability, and security of electricity supplies. Fully updated with the latest technologies and concerns, this comprehensive guide illustrates the technical challenges and opportunities facing nucl…
Advanced Power Generation Systems: Thermal Sources evaluates advances made in heat-to-power technologies for conventional combustion heat and nuclear heat, along with natural sources of geothermal, solar, and waste heat generated from the use of different sources. These advances will render the landscape of power generation significantly different in just a few decades. This book covers the com…
The new edition of the excellent introduction to basic concepts and instrumentation of nuclear medicine, featuring numerous high-quality illustrations and practical examples Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology provides a concise, highly illustrated introduction to fundamental nuclear medicine-related physics and engineering concepts. Gradually progres…
An intuitively organized and incisive exploration of UV radiation and its modern applications In Photochemical Reactors: Theory, Methods, and Applications of Ultraviolet Radiation, distinguished civil engineer and researcher Dr. Ernest R. Blatchley III delivers a comprehensive exploration of the theory, methods, and contemporary and emerging applications of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The auth…