Nuclear Systems, Volume I: Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals, Third Edition, provides an in-depth introduction to nuclear power, focusing on thermal hydraulic design and analysis of the nuclear core and other key nuclear plant components. The authors stress the integration of fluid flow and heat transfer as applied to all power reactor types and energy source distribution. They cover nuclear react…
The interaction of high-power lasers with matter can generate Terahertz radiations that efficiently contribute to THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy and also would replace X-rays in medical and security applications. When a short intense laser pulse ionizes a gas, it may produce new frequencies even in VUV to XUV domain. The duration of XUV pulses can be confined down to the isolated attosecond pulse…
This first dedicated overview for beam’s eye view (BEV) covers instrumentation, methods, and clinical use of this exciting technology, which enables real-time anatomical imaging. It highlights how the information collected (e.g., the shape and size of the beam aperture and intensity of the beam) is used in the clinic for treatment verification, adaptive radiotherapy, and in-treatment interven…
This unique book provides an accessible introduction to both the scientific background and the key people involved in the discovery and use of radiation and radioactivity. It begins by providing a short history of radiation exposures and radiation poisoning; from the early inappropriate use of X-rays and radium cures through the misadventures of the Manhattan Project and the Chernobyl disaster,…
The seventh edition of this classic text outlines the fundamental physical principles of thermal radiation, as well as analytical and numerical techniques for quantifying radiative transfer between surfaces and within participating media. The textbook includes newly expanded sections on surface properties, electromagnetic theory, scattering and absorption of particles, and near-field radiative …
Adanya pemahaman yang salah di masyarakat yang menganggap nuklir adalah sesuatu yang menakutkan seperti ledakan bom atom di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki yang informasinya diperoleh dari berbagi media yang cenderung lebih menyoroti dari sisi negatifnya. Maka Penulis tergerak hatinya untuk menerbitkan buku ini sebagai bacaan yang menarik untuk masyarakat.
Masih adanya pemahaman yang berbeda tentang proses penyelenggaraan konstruksi di antara para pelaku konstruksi membuat perlu adanya buku panduan yang dapat digunakan baik oleh pemilik proyek, konsultan, maupun kontraktor yang dapat membantu agar setiap proses pengelolaan proyek konstruksi memiliki pemahaman yang sama.
Pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir diawasi dengan seksama oleh BAPETEN melalui peraturan, perizinan dan inspeksi. Tujuan pengawasan untuk menjamin terciptanya keselamatan dan keamanan dalam rangka mewujudkan kesejahteraan amsyarakat dan perlindungan lingkungan hidup. Selain tujuan tersebut, pengawasan terhadap bahan nuklir merupakan bukti komitmen Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara pihak Traktat Pelara…
This comprehensive book covers the everyday use and underlying principles of radiation dosimeters used in radiation oncology clinics. It provides an up-to-date reference spanning the full range of current modalities with emphasis on practical know-how. The main audience is medical physicists, radiation oncology physics residents, and medical physics graduate students. The reader gains the neces…
Big Data in Radiation Oncology gives readers an in-depth look into how big data is having an impact on the clinical care of cancer patients. While basic principles and key analytical and processing techniques are introduced in the early chapters, the rest of the book turns to clinical applications, in particular for cancer registries, informatics, radiomics, radiogenomics, patient safety and qu…