International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mengeluarkan rekomendasi kepada badan pengawas untuk menunjuk Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (PPR) yang berkompeten di radiologi diagnostik dan intervensional (RDI). Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kompetensi (pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap) PPR, faktor yang berpengaruh, indikator pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang signifikan serta hubungan antar v…
Pembuatan I-Butena dengan proses alphabutol dilakukan dengan mereaksikan gas etilena menggunakan katalis cair T1Cl4 dan Tri etil alumina dalam reaktor bubble Column yang beroperasi secara isothermal pada suhu 60oC dan tekanan 27 atm. Untuk menunjang proses produksi, didirikan unit pendukung proses yang terdiri dari unit penyediaan air, steam, tenaga listrik, bahan bakar, udara tekan, refrigeras…
Bahan-bahan pewarna alami mengandung "colouring motter" yang dapat digunakan untuk mewarnai berbagai media seperti kulit (binatang), serat selulosa, kain katun, rayon, serta protein (sutera dan wol), serat polyamida (nyln), kayu, pandan, agel, tapas, bambu dan lain-lain bahan kerajinan sampai dengan makanan dan batang/kayu, kulit kayu, daun, bunga, buah, biji dan getah. "colouring metter" yang …
Penelitian ini adalah tentang pra rancangan pabrik Ammonium Nitrat yang diharapkan dapat memproduksi Low Density Ammonium Nitrate (LDAN) yang berfungsi sebagai bahan peledak. Pabrik ini menggunakan proses KT dengan bahan baku amonia dan asam nitrat. Proses produksi ammonium nitrat secara garis besar terdiri dari 2 tahap, yaitu tahap basah dan tahap kering. Bahan baku amonia berasal dari PT. Pup…
This report provides information on the content and format for decommissioning plans and supporting safety related documents. Its scope includes information that is relevant to all types of nuclear facilities, ranging from nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities to university laboratories and manufacturing plants. The report will be of interest to decommissioning planning engineers, pr…
This report provides information on the content and format for decommissioning plans and supporting safety related documents. Its scope includes information that is relevant to all types of nuclear facilities, ranging from nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities to university laboratories and manufacturing plants. The report will be of interest to decommissioning planning engineers, pr…
Essay about Principal requirements: General requirements; Requirements for practices; Requirements for intervention; Appendices: Detailed requirements; Appendix I: Occupational exposure; Appendix II: Medical exposure; Appendix III: Public exposure; Appendix IV: Potential exposure Safety of sources; Appendix V: Emergency exposure situations; Appendix VI: Chronic exposure situations; and then Sch…
This handbook discusses generation IV nuclear reactors. The subject is divided into 3 parts with 20 sub-chapters. The first part discusses the concept of generation IV nuclear reactors. In the second part, the current status is for countries that use generation IV nuclear reactors such as the USA, Japan, Russia, Korea, China, and India. In the last section on everything related to the concept o…
This IAEA publication provides guidance on the inclusion of safeguards considerations in nuclear facility design and construction. This first volume introduces the basic principles of safeguards by design and discusses the goals, costs and rewards, and places the information into the context of nuclear facility design and construction. Benefits and opportunities for all stakeholders are emphasi…
This IAEA publication provides guidance on the inclusion of safeguards considerations in nuclear facility design and construction. This first volume introduces the basic principles of safeguards by design and discusses the goals, costs and rewards, and places the information into the context of nuclear facility design and construction. Benefits and opportunities for all stakeholders are emphasi…