Advances and Innovations in Nuclear Decommissioning is an essential resource for industry professionals and academics interested in acquiring the most up-to-date information on the current state of nuclear decommissioning. Written and edited by the world’s leading experts, this book considers lessons learned and new innovations in the field. Edited by Dr. Laraia, it is the perfect companion t…
Efek samping radiasi yang diterima jaringan sehat sekitar tumor sangat dipengaruhi oleh dosis, semakin tinggi dosis yang diterma akan semakin meningkatkan potensi terjadinya efek samping lambat. Efek samping yang sering muncul pada aplikasi intracavitary radiotherapy (ICR) terjadi pada rectum yang merupakan salah satu organ kritis. Pada prakteknya untuk melakukan aplikasi ICR, dilakukan perenca…
Pencitraan diagnostik dengan menggunakan radiasi sinar-X disamping memberikan manfaat juga memberikan resiko. Radiasi dalam jumlah apapun berpotensi menimbulkan bahaya, sehingga harus ditekan seminimal mungkin dengan cara yang masuk akal dan dapat dicapai. (Jml)
This book discusses the fundamentals of ionizing radiation dosimetry. Published in 2017 with new and comprehensive content. The topic of discussion is divided into nineteen chapters such as sources of ionizing radiation, charged and uncharged the particle interactions with matter, overview of radiation detectors and measurements, primary radiation standards, ionozation chambers, chemical doseme…
The revised Safety Code and its corresponding Safety Guides replace Safety Series No. 50-C-QA (Rev. 1), Code on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Quality Assurance, and Safety Series Nos 50-SG-QA1 to 50-SG-QA11, and present new simplified basic requirements and implementation methods for quality assurance in a nuclear context. They provide recommendations to regulatory bodies in establishing …