This work provides a comprehensive approach to the planning and reliability calculations for the expansion of power generation systems, transmission networks and plant maintenance scheduling. The mathematical and statistical theory required by the reader is introduced and explained by means of examples at the beginning of the text and particular emphasis is given to operational research and rel…
Konsep buku ini bertujuan untuk lebih memahami makna inovasi melalui dialog tukar pikiran antara Pak Kusmayanto Kadiman sebagai nara sumber utama dengan para pelaku inovasi (kalangan A-B-G), dalam upaya menjawab tantangan perubahan paradigma seputar iptek, inovasi dan faktor-faktor global lainnya. (Jml)
Reliable methods for estimating the cost of a radioactive waste disposal programme are crucial to ensure that the necessary funding for completing the disposal programme is available. Estimating the cost for disposal is however a challenging and complex task. Disposal programmes themselves are complex and long-term undertakings and conditions can be expected to change significantly over the tim…
This Safety Guide supports Member States in developing arrangements for communicating with the public and media and coordinating official information in the response to a nuclear or radiological emergency. These arrangements facilitate the successful implementation of protective actions and the delivery of consistent messages. Specifically, the Safety Guide describes the infrastructure and proc…
This book discusses the modeling of the side effects of radiotherapy in tumor treatment. A book that is applicable and practical. The main readers of this book are oncologists, radiation workers, medical physicists and also dosimetry experts. The topic of discussion is divided into 19 chapters including discussing building a predictive model of toxicity, rectal and bowel toxicity, urinary toxic…
Kontingensi adalah suatu keadaan atau situasi yang diperkirakan akan segera terjadi, tetapi mungkin juga tidak terjadi. Rencana kontingensi adalah suatu proses perencanaan ke depan, dalam situasi terdapat potensi terjadi bencana, dimana skenario dan tujuan disepakati bersama, tindakan teknis dan manajerial ditetapkan bersama, dan sistem tanggapan dan pengerahan potensi disetujui bersama untuk m…
This Safety Report draws on the requirements of international standards and the recommendations of international organizations as well as on the scientific literature, together with direct experience from a number of IAEA Member States in relation to carrying out representative indoor radon surveys. The need for and the purpose of representative indoor radon surveys are discussed, as are the fa…
PPT ini merupakan kegiatan “Sosialisasi Teknis Pihak Berkepentingan Untuk Proses Perpanjangan Izin Operasi RSG-GAS”, pada hari Jumat, 13 November 2020. Daftar Isi: Pendahuluan • Pengawasan IBN • Struktur Organisasi DPIBN • Objek Pengawasan IBN • Pengawasan IBN dalam Kenormalan Baru • Penutup Link berita:…
Engineering has experienced a technological revolution, but the basic engineeringtechniques applied in safety and reliability engineering, created in a simpler, analog world, havechanged very little over the years. In this groundbreaking book, Nancy Leveson proposes a newapproach to safety--more suited to today's complex, sociotechnical, software-intensive world--basedon modern systems thinking…
This book discusses HVAC Water Chillers And Cooling Towers. A book of a technical nature that can be read by building owners, building operations and repair personnel, architects, and the like. The book contains three main things, namely a basic understanding of work systems and equipment, design and application as well as how to operate and periodically maintain. The subject is divided into 17…