This report provides guidance for conducting seismic safety evaluation programmes for existing nuclear power plants in a manner consistent with internationally recognized practice. It will be useful for regulatory organizations and other organizations responsible for the implementation of seismic safety evaluation programmes.
This Safety Report summarizes good and current state of the art practices in industrial radiography and provides technical advice on radiation protection and safety. It contains information explaining the responsibilities of regulatory authorities, operating organizations, workers, equipment manufacturers and client organizations, with the intention of enhancing radiation protection and safety.
This Safety Guide provides guidelines and recommends procedures for the evaluation of seismic hazards for nuclear power plants. Specifically, it provides recommendations on how to determine the ground motion hazards for a plant at a particular site and the potential for surface faulting, which could affect the feasibility of construction and safe operation of a plant at that site.
This report supersedes Part A of ICRU report 33 (ICRU, 1980), dealing with quantities and units for general use.
n 17 June 1997 a physicist working as a senior technician at the Nuclear Centre, Sarov, in the Russian Federation, was severely exposed as a result of a criticality accident with an assembly of highly enriched uranium. The exposure, which caused a high neutron radiation dose, led to death within three days despite prompt medical attention. This is the first report that the IAEA has published on…
A subject index and a comprehensive index of radionuclides considered in all parts and supplements of ICRP Publication 30.
Since the publication of the previous report dealing with environmental monitoring the commission has revised its basic recommendations and some aspects of its philosophy dealing with dose limitation. Although many of the previous recommendations are still relevant it was felt necessary to reassess the general principles on which monitoring programs should be based, to make the recommendations …
The distribution and estimation of heavy rains in tropical cyclones and their effects on flooding are, however, not discussed, since these aspects are considered in the IAEA Safety Guides 50-SG-S10A, 50-SG-S10B and 50-SG-S 11 A.
The International Chernobyl Project was launched in 1990 at the request of the Government of the USSR to assess the environmental and health situation in the areas of the Soviet Union contaminated by the Chernobyl accident and to evaluate the measures taken by the authorities to safeguard the health of the population still living in these areas. Some 200 scientists from 25 countries and 7 inter…
This publication is a modern-day guide for the application of nuclear medicine in the management of thyroid cancer. The use of thyroid scanning has long been central to the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of thyroid cancer. As the understanding of thyroid diseases has progressed, so has the targeted use of radioisotopes such as radioiodine. This book is divided into three sections: …