Berisi materi Sistem Kesehatan Nasional (SKN) terbaru disesuaikan dengan semakin kompleksnya penyelenggaraan pembangunan kesehatan yang sejalan dengan kompleksitas perkembangan demokrasi, desentralisasi, dan globalisasi yang juga semakin meningkat. (Jml)
Pemanfaatan sinar-x dalam bidang kesehatan sangat membantu dalam menegakkan diagnosis penyakit dan terapi. Sinar-X yang merupakan radiasi gelombang elektromagnetik yang dibangkitkan oleh peralatan medik yaitu Pesawat Rontgen. Computer Tomography Scanner (CT Scan) atau Pemindai Tomografi KOmputer adalah salah satu tipe pesawat Roentgen yang merupakan penemuan teknologi pencitraan medis terbesar …
This publication provides information about the master curve approach for assessing the structural integrity of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) under current and future operation and accident conditions in nuclear power plants (NPPs). This direct measurement of fracture toughness approach is technically superior to the correlative and indirect methods used in the past to assess irradiated RPV i…
This report replaces Technical Reports Series No. 239, Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control: A Guidebook (1984), in particular by changing the emphasis from guidance to summarizing operating experience and discussing new technologies. It provides an up to date overview of nuclear power plant instrumentation and control technology and the background against which such systems are impl…
The need for detailed guidance in the performance and review of accident analysis for WWER nuclear power plants has been identified as a priority within the IAEA Extrabudgetary Programme on Safety of WWER and RBMK NPPs. The present guidelines were developed through the organization of three consultants meetings in 1994 and 1995. The guidelines deal with the transient and accident analysis re…
During processing, radioactive waste is converted into waste packages and sent for storage and ultimately for disposal. A principal condition for acceptance of a waste package for storage or disposal is its full compliance with waste acceptance criteria for disposal or storage. To declare compliance of a waste package with waste acceptance criteria, a system for generating and maintaining recor…
This publication provides an overview of the practical aspects related to the implementation of programmes for protection of people and the environment from radiological effects of authorized radioactive discharges. It includes a description of the main processes involved in setting discharge authorizations and presents examples of current practice drawn from national experiences in activities …
This publication is a resource for specialists in nuclear medicine and radiation oncology on the coupling of positron emission tomography and X ray computed tomography (PET/CT) to more accurately identify cancer cells within the body. Besides, although radiation therapy plays an important role in cancer treatment as an effective non-invasive therapy, damage to normal cells in the vicinity of tu…
This publication is intended to assist health managers, nuclear medicine physicians and referring physicians involved in the management of cancer patients through further application of positron emission tomography (PET) technology. PET is currently used in conjunction with computed tomography (PET/CT), 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) and other radiopharmaceuticals to detect and target cancer …
This publication offers guidance for implementing security measures on radioactive sources. It also provides advice on implementing security related provisions in the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources