Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh hasil kajian tentang optimasi Kapasitas Sumber Daya untuk Pengawasan Fasilitas Radiasi dan Zat Radioaktif sebagai bahan masukan dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2009 tentang Jenis dan Tarif Atas Jenis Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak yang berlaku pada Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir. (Jml)
Laporan tentang partisipasi personil FRZR dalam presentasi ilmiah yang diselenggarakan oleh beberapa akademik/universitas dan lembaga terkait. Keikutsertaan dan partisipasi personil FRZR dalam Presentasi Ilmiah yang berjumlah 15 orang dari 11 kegiatan seminar atau presentasi ilmiah berskala nasional maupun internasional. Keikutsertaan dalam forum ilmiah seperti seminar atau presentasi ilmiah da…
Buku ini membahas tentang bagaimana menumbuhkan kreativitas di dalam pegawai perusahaan agar merangsang timbulnya inovasi yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan produk-produk baru perusahaan dan bisnis. (Jml)
This book emphasizes the role of leaders in the strategic planning process. Most books on strategic planning assume that leadership is positional and that strategic planning is the purview of people in positions of authority. We take a different view. (Jml)
Membahas bagaimana membangun jaringan komputer super berbasis nirkabel (wireless) maupun kabel (wired) yang bisa dibangun dengan modal minimalis, dengan pertimbangan penghematan biaya untuk rumah dan usaha kecil menengah. Bahkan untuk jaringan wireless, ternyata ada teknik yang memungkinkan membuat jaringan tanpa harus keluar rupiah, hanya bermodal satu laptop saja. (Jml)
Once a nuclear installation has reached the end of its safe and economical operational lifetime, the need for its decommissioning arises. Different strategies can be employed for nuclear decommissioning, based on the evaluation of particular hazards and their attendant risks, as well as on the analysis of costs of clean-up and waste management. This allows for decommissioning either soon after …
This is a book about issues and tasks faced by engineers in nuclear power plants, with a focus on the safe and reliable operation of mechanicals systems and equipment, and their supporting structures. The issues and challenges described in this book vary from the most complex subjects, such as replacing steam generators or tackling complex material damage mechanisms, down to the simpler tasks l…
Designing new nuclear facilities is an extraordinarily complex exercise, often requiring teams of specialists several hundred strong. Nuclear Facilities: A Designer’s Guide provides an insight into each of the main contributors and shows how the whole design process is drawn together. Essential reading for all nuclear professionals: those already involved in the industry will gain knowledg…
This book consist : Important elements of the history of nuclear plant safety; Current reactor safety principles; Safety of nuclear plants; Nuclear fuel cycle; Features desired in future plants; Continued improvement of nuclear power plant safety; an Conclusions. (Jml)