The Book of Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT, new sixth edition, which welcomes Kristen M.Waterstram-Rich as a new co-editor, will also include new title, Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT: Technology and techniques, and will include a new chapter on CT physics and instrumentation. As dual-modality imaging has become an integral part of the clinical practice of nuclear medicine, pertinent information abo…
This book consist : Introduction ; General design and safety principles; Handling and storage of unirradiated fuel; Handling and storage of irradiated fuel and other core components; Handling and transport of shipping casks; Multi-reactor considerations; Performance requirements; and Qualitiy assurance and documentation. (Jml)
Membahas tentang peran perusahaan dalam faktor lingkungan yaitu memasukkan faktor lingkungan dalam sistem akuntansinya/ green accounting
Assessing and improving nuclear material performance is a crucial subject for the sustainability of the nuclear energy and radioactive isotope supplies. This book aims to present research efforts used to identify nuclear materials performances in different areas. The contributions of esteemed international experts have covered important research aspects in fission and fusion technologies and na…
Accidents and natural disasters involving nuclear power plants such as Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and the recent meltdown at Fukushima are rare, but their effects are devastating enough to warrant increased vigilance in addressing safety concerns.Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems for Safety and Security evaluates the risks inherent to nuclear power and methods of prevent…
Buku Daftar Istilah Anatomi ini semula merupakan naskah laporan yang disusun oleh Tim Penyusun dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga dalam rangka kerjasama dengan proyek Penelitian Pusat tahun 1977/1978 1978/1979. Setelah diedit dan diselaraskan serta ditambah dengan sejumlah istilah anatomi hasil Rapat Kerja Panitia Pengembangan Bahasa Indonesia Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, n…