Harmonization and Intercomparison of Models for Accidental Tritium Releases to the Atmosphere: IAEA TECDOC No. 1991
Models are essential tools in evaluating radiological impacts within the safety assessment process and regulatory control of facilities as well as of activities in planned exposure situations, existing exposure situations and emergency exposure situations. Modelling the transfer of radionuclides in the environment and assessing the resulting radiation exposure of people and the environment is needed in the evaluation of the radiological impact of routine releases and accidental releases of radionuclides from such facilities and activities.
The IAEA has been organizing programmes of international model testing since the 1980s. These programmes have contributed to a general improvement in models, both in the transfer of data and in the capabilities of modellers in Member States. IAEA publications on this subject over the past three decades demonstrate the comprehensive nature of the programmes and record the associated advances that have been made.
From 2012 to 2015 the IAEA organized a programme entitled Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments (MODARIA), which focused on testing the performance of models, developing and improving models for particular environments, reaching consensus on datasets that are generally applicable in environmental transfer models and providing an international forum for the exchange of experience, ideas and research information.