Selecting Megavoltage Treatment Technologies in External Beam Radiotherapy-IAEA Human Health Reports No. 17
Radiotherapy is one of the major treatment modalities for cancer, along with surgery and chemotherapy. It has been shown to be cost effective in many countries, including in low and middle
income countries (LMICs) [1, 2]. Depending on the predominance of specific cancers in the geographic
region in question, approximately 40–60% of all cancer patients can benefit from radiotherapy [3–6]. The process of radiotherapy is complex, involving multiple steps, multiple technologies and many different professional staff, as indicated in Appendix I. Radiotherapy involves technologies that go well beyond radiation treatment machines alone. Furthermore, numerous professionals with different expertise are involved in the process.
This publication is primarily aimed at the key individuals involved in the decision making process
regarding technology purchase and implementation of radiotherapy, such as upper level managers,
administrators, the heads of radiation oncology and medical physics departments.