One of the methods detetmining shut down of control reactor rod is rod drop test. The Analysis data has been done using the inverse reactor kinetic aquestion, and KINIK computer code to find shut down reactivity value. The shut down reactivities of reactor TRIGA Mark II-Bandung rods are 2,357% dk/k (safety rod), 0.830% dk/k (shim I rod), 0,656% dk/k (shim II rod) and 0,136% dk/k (regulatory rod…
Essay about Principal requirements: General requirements; Requirements for practices; Requirements for intervention; Appendices: Detailed requirements; Appendix I: Occupational exposure; Appendix II: Medical exposure; Appendix III: Public exposure; Appendix IV: Potential exposure Safety of sources; Appendix V: Emergency exposure situations; Appendix VI: Chronic exposure situations; and then Sch…
The revised Safety Code and its corresponding Safety Guides replace Safety Series No. 50-C-QA (Rev. 1), Code on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Quality Assurance, and Safety Series Nos 50-SG-QA1 to 50-SG-QA11, and present new simplified basic requirements and implementation methods for quality assurance in a nuclear context. They provide recommendations to regulatory bodies in establishing …
This Safety Guide recommends actions, conditions and procedures in relation to external human induced events and provides guidance for fulfilling the requirements of Safety Standards Series No. NS-R-3, Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations, when conducting a site evaluation for a nuclear power plant.
n 17 June 1997 a physicist working as a senior technician at the Nuclear Centre, Sarov, in the Russian Federation, was severely exposed as a result of a criticality accident with an assembly of highly enriched uranium. The exposure, which caused a high neutron radiation dose, led to death within three days despite prompt medical attention. This is the first report that the IAEA has published on…
This Safety Guide provides recommendations and guidance on the fulfilment of the safety requirements on management of radioactive waste. It covers the roles and responsibilities of different bodies involved in the predisposal management of radioactive waste and in the handling and processing of radioactive material. It is intended for organizations generating and handling radioactive waste or h…
This manual has been produced as part of the IAEA’s Action Plan for the Safety of Radiation Sources and Security of Radioactive Material. It is intended to: assist in the recognition and identification of objects thought to be radioactive devices, sources and transport packages; provide instruction on what to do and how to obtain further help; enhance awareness of the existence of radioactive…
This Safety Guide provides a risk based ranking of radioactive sources and practices in five categories. The categorization system is based on a logical and transparent method that provides the flexibility for it to be applied in a wide range of circumstances. On the basis of this categorization, risk informed decisions can be made in a graded approach to the regulatory control of radioactive s…
The NG-T-3.7 nuclear energy series collection is a collection that discusses Managing Siting Activities for Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The subject matter in this standard is divided into 6 chapters covering introduction, nuclear power program framework, management of siting activities, criteria for selecting and assessing NPP sites, methodology, and stakeholder involvement. This collection was…
This collection is a special collection of safety report series number 69. Published by IAEA in 2012. This collection is about comparison between IAEA GS-R-3 And ISO 9001:2008. Some of the topics discussed include a review of the two standards to their differences and correlations. Also equipped with a comparison table of the two in accordance with the contents of the two standards (MM). Key…