This report considers a variety of circumstances that may require corrective actions to be assessed or implemented at near surface disposal facilities. The circumstances leading to the corrective actions, or the corrective actions themselves, may be of either a technical or a non-technical nature. Methodologies that can be employed to implement effective solutions to problems are discussed, inc…
Heavy-water reactors have evoked a great deal of interest since the early days of atomic power development. These reactors, by virtue of their good neutron economy, offer certain advantages over other types, including lower fuel inventory, versatility in fuel cycle with the possibility of using natural or enriched uranium as well as thorium, better fuel utilization, and consequently low fuel cy…
This publication provides guidance for following the requirements for management systems that integrate safety, health, security, quality assurance and environmental objectives. A successful management system ensures that nuclear safety matters are not dealt with in isolation but are considered within the context of all these objectives. The aim of this publication is to assist Member States to…
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on all the main components of operating experience feedback systems, utilizing relevant information on events and abnormal conditions that have occurred at nuclear installations around the world. It focuses on the interaction between the different systems for using operating experience feedback and constitutes an update and an extension of Part I: A Na…
Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Indonesia masih jauh dibandingkan sistem manajemen lainnya, seperti sistem manajemen mutu dan lingkungan. Banyak perusahaan yang masih mengabaikan sistem ini, disamping itu pengetahuan dan kepeduliaan masyarakat pada umumnya dan kalangan industri pada khususnya masih rendah tenatng pentingnya penerapan Sistem Manajemen K3, walau kete…
An increasing number of nuclear facilities are coming to the end of their useful lives and are being, or are going to be, decommissioned with a view to removing the sites from regulatory control. In many cases, decommissioning activities include the decontamination of land, buildings and other structures such as underground pipes and tanks, or ponds, at the site that became contaminated as a re…
Radioactive waste is generated in a broad range of activities involving a wide variety of radioactive materials associated with, for example, the operation of nuclear facilities, the use of sealed radioactive sources in industry, the use of human made radionuclides in hospitals and laboratories, and the decommissioning of such facilities. The physical, chemical and radiological characteristics …
The objective of this Safety Guide is to provide guidance on the development and implementation of management systems for the pretreatment, treatment, conditioning and storage of radioactive waste. This publication also includes a description of how to apply the requirements detailed in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-R-3, to the activities associated with producing a packaged waste form fo…
The objective of this Safety Requirements publication is to set down the protection objectives and criteria for geological disposal and to establish the requirements that must be met to ensure the safety of this disposal option, consistent with the established principles of safety for radioactive waste management.
This publication sets out the basic safety requirements related to the disposal of radioactive wastes in near surface repositories. As a Safety Requirements publication it is supported by a number of associated Safety Guides which provide guidance on the implementation of the requirements. Its principles are derived from the Safety Fundamentals publication, Safety Series No. 111-F, The Principl…