This book consist : Introduction and scope; Pedriatic nuclear medicine; and Pediatric diagnostic ultrasound; (Jml)
The purpose of this Report is to review the current status of the application of radionuclide transport models from the point of discharge to the environment to the point of intake by man. This process, called radiological assessment, begins by defining the quantity of radionuclides that are released and enter the environment. Uncertainties in the measurements or estimates of the source term ar…
The fourth edition of this well-established text has been completely revised and updated to reflect developments in the science and practice of radiopharmacy that have taken place over the last ten years. As the demand for radiopharmacists continues to increase, this book aims to meet the need for specialised information on the use of radiopharmaceuticals in the detection and treatment of disea…
Radiogenic and stable isotopes are used widely in the earth sciences to determine the ages of rocks, meteorites and archeological objects, and as tracers to understand geological and environmental processes. Isotope methods determine the age of the Earth, help reconstruct the climate of the past, and explain the formation of the chemical elements in the Universe. This textbook provides a compre…
Through four editions, this resource has established itself as the best introduction to nuclear imaging techniques. It is practical, yet comprehensive, covering physics, instrumentation, quality control, and legal requirements. The 5th Edition features a new color format, with many user-friendly features such as "Pearls and Pitfalls." More than 600 pictures in digital-quality resolution depict …
Membahas tentang radiokimia dan penggunaan radioisotop baik sebagai perunut maupun sebagai sumber radiasi dalam kimia, pertanian, geologi, kedokteran dan pengetahuan bumi dan angkasa luar, yang memerlukan beberapa perhatian khusus, disebabkan oleh adanya bahaya terhadap radiasi yang dipancarkan. (Jml),
Proceedings contains material Isotopic tracers of the atmosphere (Session 1); Isotopic tracers of the hydrosphere (Session 2); Isotopic studies of man-made hydrological impact (session 3); Isotopic archives of climatic and environmental change (Session 4); Round Table: Trends and developments in isotope hydrology; New technical approaches (session 5); and Poster session. (Jml)
Prosiding ini memuat 30 makalah yang dipresentasikan dalam pertemuan ini, yaitu 3 makalah utama/undangan dan 27 makalah peserta dengan peserta terdiri dari: Lingkungan BATAN; Instansi Pemerintah: Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi, Departemen Pertanian , BSN; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayur (Balitas), Bandung; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro), Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi (Balit…
This book consist of Introduction; Characterization objectives; Health and safety considerations; Characterization process; The radionuclide inventory; Methods and techniques for characterization; Quality assurance requirements; and Conclusions. (Jml)