PPT ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir di bidang industri khususnya Pengukuran (Gauging), Perekaman Data dalam Sumur Pengeboran (Well Logging), dan Perunut (Tracer). Pembahasan mencakup prinsip dasar dan sistem keselamatan radiasinya. PPT dipresentasikan dalam acara Pelatihan BPTC FRZR / Basic Profesional Training Course Fasilitas Radiasi dan Zat Radioaktif 13-21 Juni 2023
PPT ini membahas tentang: - latar belakang, tantangan dan tujuan pemasangan I-RDMS sebagai sistem peringatan dini ketika terjadi kejadian radiologi/nuklir. - sistem pemantauan radioaktivitas lingkungan dan pengembagan I-RDMS untuk kepentingan nasional dan internsional - International Radiation Monitoring Information System (IRMIS)-IAEA sebagai alat penyedia data dan informasi dari Indonesi…
Radiation is different from many other things that we cone into contact in our daily lives, because we can't see it, we can't feel, we can't smell it, we can't hear it, and we can't taste it. Thus, we will know if our body are now being exposed to radiation unless we measure it using radiaiton monitoring devices. In fact, we have been exposed to natural radiation in everyday life since the time…
This book consist : Introduction; Requirements of a calibration laboratory and the techniques to be used; Calibration facilities; Errors and quality control; and Instrument maintenance and repair. (Jml)
Sejak tahun 2020, SPRL mengalami kerusakan pada adapter sehingga tidak mampu beroperasi. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan tahun ini difokuskan untuk perbaikan atas kerusakan tersebut. Perbaikan dilakukan dengan melakukan penggantian suku cadang yang rusak, yaitu adapter, dengan adapter yang serupa. Selain itu juga dilakukan penggantian kabel sling yang berkarat. Pengadaan dilakukan melalui pihak ketig…
Kajian ini disusun untuk menindaklanjuti Nota Dinas nomor 0695/KN 0101/DPFRZR/III/2021 tanggal 12 Maret mengenai kajian terhadap proses perpanjangan izin penggunaan zat radioaktif bentuk khusus untuk well logging milik salah satu perusahaan pemegang izin.
A report on the facts of food irradiation intended to inform readers on the food they buy. It exposes the controversy that exists on the issue and reveals the possibility for illegal abuse of irradiation for the disguise of decay which could result in food poisoning and death.
Whenever a diagnostic or interventional X-ray examination of a pregnant patient is considered to be necessary, conceptus dose estimation is an essential step in assessing the radiogenic risks to the unborn child. Accurate estimation of embryo/fetus radiation dose is also needed after accidental exposure of a pregnant patient from an X-ray procedure. The exposure of pregnant patients to medical …
Radiation detection is key to experimental nuclear physics as well as underpinning a wide range of applications in nuclear decommissioning, homeland security and medical imaging. This book presents the state-of-the-art in radiation detection of light and heavy ions, beta particles, gamma rays and neutrons. The underpinning physics of different detector technologies is presented, and their perfo…
Improved targeting of abnormal cells and tissue in the radiotherapy of cancer has been a long-standing goal of researchers. The central purpose in Nanoparticle-Enhanced Radiotherapy (NPRT) is to more precisely control where the radiation dose is delivered, desirably with subcellular precision, provided we can find a method to bring the nanoparticles to target and control their concentration and…